6.0.2 fistweaving mistweaver (working)

Here is a macro I am trying out. I am using chi wave, ascension, healing elixirs and rushing jade wind talents. Basically, I am still using Macro Toolkit, but creating the macros in the general tab, and not toon specific tab, so it works.

Sometimes, things might get of sequence, and can’t figure out what is wrong. Also, I would like to figure out how to add Thunder Focus Tea in the macro.

#showtooltip expel harm
/targetenemy [dead][noharm][noexists]
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=15 expel harm,chi wave,jab,surging mist,tiger palm,detonate chi,jab,rising sun kick,rushing jade wind,surging mist,blackout kick,surging mist,mana tea

Would like to know how you are using Macro Toolkit?! Last I checked it was inoperable with 6.0.2 and hadn’t been updated.

“Basically, I am still using Macro Toolkit, but creating the macros in the general tab, and not toon specific tab, so it works.”

I create them at the root and can still extend and so on. I also added ACE LIBs, maybe that helped some.

any one managed a stance swap into fistweaving ? or is this not possible ?

Macro Toolkit is now working. You can get the update on curse. It has been up for a few days as an Alpha release. I think the final release is out now.