6.0.2 windwalker monk PVE ( works with CD)

/castsequence Rushing Jade Wind, jab,jab,!Rising Sun Kick,!Expel Harm,!Chi Wave,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,Rushing Jade Wind,jab,jab,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,!Rising Sun Kick,!Rushing Jade Wind,jab,jab,!Expel Harm,!Chi Wave,Tiger Palm,Rising Sun Kick,Blackout Kick,!Rushing Jade Wind,jab,jab,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,!Rising Sun Kick
/use touch of death
/use [mod]energizing brew

***{[ /use !chi brew (add if u run chi brew remove if u run ascension)]}
**{[ /use !invoke xuen, the white tiger (add if u run xuen and remove all the rushing jade wind from macro… but remove this if u run rushing jade wind)]}

u will need macrotoolkits
i run ascension not chi brew
i also run rushing jade wind not invoke xuen,the white tiger

Thanks eleburst

i will love to hear your feed back on this macro thanks

/castsequence Rushing Jade Wind,jab,jab,!Rising Sun Kick,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,Rushing Jade Wind,jab,jab,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,!Rising Sun Kick,!Rushing Jade Wind,jab,jab,Tiger Palm,Rising Sun Kick,Blackout Kick,!Rushing Jade Wind,jab,jab,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,!Rising Sun Kick
/castsequence reset=15 chi wave,expel harm
/use touch of death
/use [mod]energizing brew
update it

the update one does not work right

/castsequence reset=target Rushing Jade Wind, jab,jab,!Rising Sun Kick,!Expel Harm,!Chi Wave,jab,jab,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,Rushing Jade Wind,jab,jab,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,!Rising Sun Kick,!Rushing Jade Wind,jab,jab,!Expel Harm,!Chi Wave,jab,jab,Tiger Palm,Rising Sun Kick,Blackout Kick,!Rushing Jade Wind,jab,jab,Tiger Palm,Tiger Palm,!Rising Sun Kick
/use touch of death
/use [mod]energizing brew

sorry so many post i have been working on this macro for about 3 days now and i think i got it… it has not down time beside energy regain all atking macro i have touch of kamra and fist hotkeyed i hope yall enjoy

What talent/glyphs are you using for this macro?

[quote quote=17302]What talent/glyphs are you using for this macro?[/quote]112111

The Problem i am getting with your macro is it is not dumping enough energy.

The Problem i am getting with your macro is it is not dumping enough energy. And it not coming around and using abilities that need Chi, So i stuck a max chi as well.

[quote quote=17326]The Problem i am getting with your macro is it is not dumping enough energy. And it not coming around and using abilities that need Chi, So i stuck a max chi as well. [/quote] Ok I will look in to it more and try and fix the problem how is your DPS looking

Before Lockup my burst initial damage on the lvl 90 Target dummy in the shrine was 36k. Then dipped down below 10k trying to keep my energy and chi being used. This macro has potential.


I had a go with this one, it locked up very quickly. I had burst of up to 18-20k, but most of that came from ToD. dropped down to about 10k pretty fast after that.

/castsequence reset=3 jab,rising sun kick,jab,blackout kick,jab,tiger palm,tiger palm
/use Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/cast touch of death
/cast [mod:shift] Energizing Brew
((( /use chi brew)))
((( /cast !touch of karma)))
((remove if u do not use them
i tweek it holds a dps and your energy does not just burn out

Eleburst, yours worked very well. I would almost dare to call it replacement. I did tweak it a little i found it was Tiger palming a little too often so i switched it up a bit too

/castsequence reset=3 jab,rising sun kick,jab,blackout kick,jab,tiger palm,blackout kick
/use Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/cast touch of death
/cast [mod:shift] Energizing Brew

i also removed ToK since i use it as a defensive. i was able to average high 14-15k and it only locked up once or twice. that was on dummies though, ill have to try it out in a raid and ill get some more definitive results.

Ok ive had a quick garrosh kill, i was a bit lower on the meters in postion than im used to but i think that had more too do with not controlling my AoE too well.

Hers my recount data.

Recount - Azaile's Hostile Attacks
      Ability          | Count |Damage | %
1. Melee               |270    |646494 |(21%)
2. Flurry of Xuen      |351    |456316 |(15%)
3. Fists of Fury       |50     |432395 |(14%)
4. Blackout Kick       |41     |392500 |(13%)
5. Rising Sun Kick     |28     |287584 |(10%)
6. Lightning Strike    |29     |211786 |(7%)
7. Jab                 |87     |144216 |(5%)
8. Spinning Crane Kick |238    |129745 |(4%)
9. Tiger Palm          |20     |101302 |(3%)
10.Touch of Death      |1      |98980  |(3%)
11.Touch of Karma (DoT)|38     |70450  |(2.3%)
12.Blackout Kick (DoT) |38     |36867  |(1.2%)
13.Mortal Wounds       |15     |0      |(0.0%)

Not listed: Xuen pet, did 350021 (10%) used it twice.

The fight lasted 250.53 seconds in total minus 62 seconds for intermission making it 188.53 seconds. This means blackout kick (dot) had just over 80% up time, which is decent enough. FoF seems to be much more powerful that it used to be, i only got it off a few times, i also totally forgot about chi wave.

My overall DPS for the 250.53 seconds was 14222, full buffs including multistrike and versatility, food, flask, pre-pot and pot.

Hope that helps.

also anyone go an AoE macro yet? i was using

#showtooltip spinning crane kick
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,chi wave
/castsequence reset=0 0,spinning crane kick
/castsequence reset=5 rising sun kick,tiger palm,blackout kick

which worked perfectly.

Not sure when you did that fight, but after the 6.0.2 patch came out, they took spinning crane kick away from the wind walkers or at least its not showing up in my spell book and abilities.

Do you have the rushing jade wind talent, that replaced SCK with rushing jade wind.

yes I do

Mystery solved.