7.0.3 Demo GSE

I got tired of being starved for shards so I decided to give it a go myself. I was using the infernal as my pet and kept life tap out of the rotation for when I really needed it. Ran a steady 30k dps on test dummies at ilvl 694

Sequences['ObD'] = {
specID = 266,
author = "Obssedwith",
helpTxt = "Talents - 1111212",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/Castsequence Demonic Empowerment,Demonbolt,Hand of Gul'dan",
"/castsequence Call Dreadstalkers,Demonic Empowerment,Demonwrath",
"/castsequence Command Demon",
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

I don’t get this crap, this works great against target dummies but locks up in real fights just like every other macro

I’ve had the same issue. Even with my own macro’s I make using the in game. A little work around I’ve found is deselect target and retarget.

A lot of the time the lockups occur when you have no soul shards and you have abilities on cooldown and are infront of other spells that can be cast without/gain soul shards. For the above macro, if you try moving Demonbolt around to the front or on it’s own line then it should solve the issue for you. Only issue then is you’re going to hard cast Demonbolt more often.

The thing I don’t get is why it works perfectly fine on the test dummies but not in the world. This is the only spec I am having issues with getting a macro to go through reliably. What is even more odd is that on the beta it is working great in the world and the only difference is I have the artifact weapon added into it. I’ll try moving demonbolt to the first line on its own and see if it makes any difference and honestly more shards isn’t really a bad thing seeing as how fast we burn through them now.

Bit of an update. I didn’t have much time to test this morning but this update allowed me to sustain 32k dps on the dummies of course. I keep life tap off on its own key or else it seems to be used way too much. Would anyone mind trying it out and seeing if any improvements could be made? This may not be optimal and I know my gear isn’t. Thanks in advance. BTW it is setup for when we get the artifact weapon and does not hang there.

Sequences['ObD'] = {
specID = 266,
author = "Obsessedwith",
helpTxt = "Talents - 1111212",
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nopet] Summon Doomguard
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/castsequence Demonbolt,Demonbolt,Demonbolt",
"/castsequence Demonic Empowerment,Hand of Gul'dan",
"/castsequence Call Dreadstalkers,Demonic Empowerment,Demonwrath",
"/castsequence Command Demon",
"/castsequence reset=45 Thal'keil's Consumption",
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14