Combat 6.0x

Not perfect by far but works well for me while questing and farming trash.

/castsequence [nostealth, nocombat] Stealth
/castsequence [stealth] Ambush
/castsequence [combat] reset=20 Revealing Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Eviscerate

I have a similar macro but this one auto targets nearest enemy.

/castsequence reset=target [stealth]Ambush,Garrote
/castsequence reset=5 sinister strike,Slice and Dice,revealing strike,sinister strike,sinister strike,sinister strike, Eviscerate
/cast [nostealth][nocombat] stealth

Stil using the same macro as in 5.4.8 only took out shadow blades and its working well it stopped 1 time halfway against ordos but runned away from him and started again

#showtooltip Sinister Strike
/castsequence [stance:1]Ambush; reset=target Revealing Strike,null
/castsequence reset=0 0,Sinister Strike
/castsequence reset=target Slice and Dice,Sinister Strike,Recuperate,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Eviscerate,Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,
/cast [combat, @targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
/cast Adrenaline Rush
/cast Combat Readiness
/cast Evasion
/cast [nostance:1] Stealth
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

what talents and glyphs yall are useing

i use the rogue mainly as grinding and some world raids just because my main is holy priest but mostly i use 2,3,2,your choice,1,3 but if you realy want the best talents and glyphs the best is to watch Noxxic - WoW Guides & Rankings

[quote quote=16672]Stil using the same macro as in 5.4.8 only took out shadow blades and its working well it stopped 1 time halfway against ordos but runned away from him and started again

#showtooltip Sinister Strike
/castsequence [stance:1]Ambush; reset=target Revealing Strike,null
/castsequence reset=0 0,Sinister Strike
/castsequence reset=target Slice and Dice,Sinister Strike,Recuperate,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Eviscerate,Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,
/cast [combat, @targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
/cast Adrenaline Rush
/cast Combat Readiness
/cast Evasion
/cast [nostance:1] Stealth
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

seems to work ok but i have found that even with better weapons for combat ,assn out performs combat by assn 8200 and combat 7500

Im now using the latest macro toolkit and found that macro just didnt work any more sorry :(.
ive manged to get this working please make any changes to get it working better.

/castsequence [@mouseover,stealth]reset=target ambush,!revealing strike
/castsequence reset=target Sinister Strike,Slice and Dice,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Eviscerate,Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Crimson Tempest,Sinister Strike
/cast [combat]adrenaline rush
/cast [combat]!Marked for Death
/use 13
/use 14
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

my current talents are 1,2,2,1,1,2 not ideal but works for doing pve glyphs wouldnt make any differnce just depnds on your play style and what you prefer to use i like the [Glyph of Stealth] [Glyph of Evasion] [Glyph of Recuperate]

I tinkered with this a little bit.
my ilevel is just over 500
my talents are 2,2,2,1,3,2 ( i have been considering prey on the weak for pve but as I tend to pvp a bit on this toon I use gouge and blind a bit more.)
I also use combat as an AOE spec for clearing trash. so generally blade flurry is on.

one problem i had with your macro to start was getting hung up going from mob to mob. so i removed the @mouseover and it cleared that up. I added a shiv to give crimson a bit more bleed. I added in revealing strike to refresh the debuff on the mob for more consistent bonus combo procs and energy flow. I also added recoup as i intend to use this for farming and i hate to sit and eat. the bane of being lazy and impatient.

/castsequence [stealth] reset=target Garrote, Ambush, !revealing strike
/castsequence reset=4 Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, Revealing Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Eviscerate, Revealing Strike, Sinister Strike, Crimson Tempest, Sinister Strike, Shiv, Recuperate
/cast [combat] Adrenaline Rush
/cast [combat] !Marked for Death
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Is combat any good these days? Or dagger specs still better?