GS 1 Button BoomKin Lunar/Solar Nomod


I’m new to LazyMacro’s but needed a new macro for Boomkin, had trouble finding one to my liking.
This one uses Force of Nature as a reset counter for your DOT’s. Works perfect for me but I know
there’s room for improvement. Please be helpfull in your critiques this is my first one. But it fire’s of perfect for me.
Tell me what you think.

Sequences[‘BoomyST’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform]!Moonkin Form
“/castsequence reset=25/target Starfire,Starfire,Wrath,Wrath,”,
“/castsequence reset=25/target Sunfire,Force of Nature”,
“/castsequence reset=25/target Moonfire,Force of Nature”,
“/cast Starsurge”,
“/cast Celestial Alignment”,
PostMacro = [[

Sequences[‘BoomyAOE’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform]!Moonkin Form
“/castsequence reset=25/target Starfire,Starfire,Wrath,Wrath,”,
“/castsequence reset=25/target Sunfire,Force of Nature”,
“/castsequence reset=25/target Moonfire,Force of Nature”,
“/cast Starfall”,
“/cast Celestial Alignment”,
PostMacro = [[

Just to head of the inevetable request for a box :wink:

Sequences['BoomyST'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform]!Moonkin Form
"/castsequence reset=25/target Starfire,Starfire,Wrath,Wrath",
"/castsequence reset=25/target Sunfire,Force of Nature",
"/castsequence reset=25/target Moonfire,Force of Nature",
"/cast Starsurge",
"/cast Celestial Alignment",
PostMacro = [[

Sequences['BoomyAOE'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform]!Moonkin Form
"/castsequence reset=25/target Starfire,Starfire,Wrath,Wrath",
"/castsequence reset=25/target Sunfire,Force of Nature",
"/castsequence reset=25/target Moonfire,Force of Nature",
"/cast Starfall",
"/cast Celestial Alignment",
PostMacro = [[

Thank you very much, would love to know your talents and glyphs.

No problem so here the are

Talents: 1313313
Major: Glyph of Celestial Alignment, Glyph of Rebirth, Glyph of Astral Communion
Minor: Glyph of the Chameleon, Travel form, Grace

Only one that’s important is the Celestial Alignment.
For the talents ofc Force of Nature is important and Balance of Power rest doesnt matter

Wow Josh !!! thanks so much for sharing your macro and talent tree.
I usually don’t play druid because I have had a hard time with dps and survivability.
But now I can kinda hold my own, which is nice for a change.
I am just a casual weekender, so any way to get the most out of my game time is the goal.

Thanks again and happy gaming

No problem! Happy to help Nancie!

TYVM for your reply Josh :smiley:

Hi Josh,

No offense but why Force of Nature? As it’s the weakest DPS of the three, as far as I remember.
Just curious and would like to know the reasoning behind it.

been using this macro even with my level 30 and it works good!

Hey Dr.Mengede well personally I like it and I use it a timer for moonfire and sunfire

Hey Dr.Mengede well personally I like it and I use it as a timer for moonfire and sunfire

this macro does very well. i think it is one of the best ones i have tried for any class.

Well done! boosted a boomy to 100 today and out the box does very well with this macro. Much appreciated.