GS problem

Hello, I trie to use GS on wow, but now that s doesn t work. I play on a EU serveur, I think i do every thing i have to do but … Nothing when I create the macro ( nothing appear in macro text zone)

for information … My Lua doc

local _, Sequences = … – Don’t touch this

– Rename this file to Sequences.lua before you get started, it uses a different file name so as not to overwrite your existing file with a future update.
– Every entry in the Sequences table defines a single sequence of macros which behave similarly to /castsequence.
– Sequence names must be unique and contain no more than 16 characters.
– To use a macro sequence, create a blank macro in-game with the same name you picked for the sequence here and it will overwrite it.

– Here’s a large demonstration sequence documenting the format:
Sequences[“GnomeExample1”] = {
– StepFunction optionally defines how the step is incremented when pressing the button.
– This example increments the step in the following order: 1 12 123 1234 etc. until it reaches the end and starts over
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1

-- PreMacro is optional macro text that you want executed before every single button press.
-- This is if you want to add something like /startattack or /stopcasting before all of the macros in the sequence.
PreMacro = [[

/run print("-- PreMacro Script --")

-- PostMacro is optional macro text that you want executed after every single button press.
-- I don't know what you would need this for, but it's here anyway.
PostMacro = [[

/run print("-- PostMacro Script --")

-- Macro 1

/run print(“Executing macro 1!”)
/cast SpellName1

-- Macro 2

/run print(“Executing macro 2!”)
/cast SpellName2

-- Macro 3

/run print(“Executing macro 3!”)
/cast SpellName3

– Here is a short example which is what most sequences will look like
Sequences[“GnomeExample2”] = {
– Macro 1
/run print(“Executing macro 1!”)
/cast SpellName1

-- Macro 2

/run print(“Executing macro 2!”)
/cast SpellName2

-- Macro 3

/run print(“Executing macro 3!”)
/cast SpellName3


Sequences[‘RetS’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostance: 1] seal of truth
/cast Avenging Wrath
‘/cast Crusader Strike’,
‘/cast Execution Sentence’,
‘/cast Judgment’,
‘/cast Hammer of Wrath’,
‘/cast Exorcism’,
“/cast Templar’s Verdict”,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Sequences[‘RetA’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostance: 2] seal of righteousness
/cast Avenging Wrath
‘/cast Hammer of the Righteous’,
‘/cast Execution Sentence’,
‘/cast Judgment’,
‘/cast Hammer of Wrath’,
‘/cast Exorcism’,
‘/cast Divine Storm’ ,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Sequences[‘RetSB’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostance: 1] seal of truth
/cast Avenging Wrath
‘/cast Crusader Strike’,
‘/cast Execution Sentence’,
‘/cast Judgment’,
‘/cast Hammer of Wrath’,
‘/cast Exorcism’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Sequences[‘RetAB’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostance: 2] seal of righteousness
/cast Avenging Wrath
‘/cast Hammer of the Righteous’,
‘/cast Execution Sentence’,
‘/cast Judgment’,
‘/cast Hammer of Wrath’,
‘/cast Exorcism’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14


Sequences[‘ProtS’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostance: 3] seal of insight
/cast [combat] Divine Protection
“/cast Avenger’s Shield”,
‘/cast Crusader Strike’,
‘/castsequence reset=20 Sacred Shield,Judgment,Judgment,Judgment’,
“/cast Execution Sentence”,
‘/cast Hammer of Wrath’,
‘/cast Consecration’,
“/cast Holy Wrath”,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Shield of the Righteous

Sequences[‘ProtA’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostance: 3] seal of insight
/cast [combat] Divine Protection
“/cast Avenger’s Shield”,
‘/cast Hammer of the Righteous’,
‘/castsequence reset=20 Sacred Shield,Judgment,Judgment,Judgment’,
“/cast Execution Sentence”,
‘/cast Hammer of Wrath’,
‘/cast Consecration’,
“/cast Holy Wrath”,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Shield of the Righteous

Sequences[‘ProtSB’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostance: 3] seal of insight
/cast [combat] Divine Protection
“/cast Avenger’s Shield”,
‘/cast Crusader Strike’,
‘/castsequence reset=20 Sacred Shield,Judgment,Judgment,Judgment’,
“/cast Execution Sentence”,
‘/cast Hammer of Wrath’,
‘/cast Consecration’,
“/cast Holy Wrath”,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Sequences[‘ProtAB’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostance: 3] seal of insight
/cast [combat] Divine Protection
“/cast Avenger’s Shield”,
‘/cast Hammer of the Righteous’,
‘/castsequence reset=20 Sacred Shield,Judgment,Judgment,Judgment’,
“/cast Execution Sentence”,
‘/cast Hammer of Wrath’,
‘/cast Consecration’,
“/cast Holy Wrath”,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14



Sequences[‘MMS’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [@focus,help][help][@pet,exists] Misdirection
/cast [combat] Rapid Fire
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
‘/cast Chimaera Shot’,
‘/cast Kill Shot’,
‘/cast A Murder of Crows’,
‘/cast Glaive Toss’,
‘/cast Aimed Shot’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] Steady Shot’,
‘/cast Chimaera Shot’,
‘/cast Kill Shot’,
‘/cast A Murder of Crows’,
‘/cast Glaive Toss’,
‘/cast Aimed Shot’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Chimaera Shot

Sequences[‘MMA’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [@focus,help][help][@pet,exists] Misdirection
/cast [combat] Rapid Fire
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
‘/cast Chimaera Shot’,
‘/cast Kill Shot’,
‘/cast A Murder of Crows’,
‘/cast Glaive Toss’,
‘/cast Multi-Shot’,
‘/cast [nochanneling] Steady Shot’,
‘/cast Chimaera Shot’,
‘/cast Kill Shot’,
‘/cast A Murder of Crows’,
‘/cast Glaive Toss’,
‘/cast Multi-Shot’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Chimaera Shot



Sequences[‘GLADIATOR’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Shield Charge
/cast Heroic Strike
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
‘/cast Storm Bolt’,
‘/cast Revenge’,
‘/cast Execute’,
‘/cast Devastate’,
‘/cast victory rush’,
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
‘/cast Storm Bolt’,
‘/cast Revenge’,
‘/cast Execute’,
‘/cast victory rush’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Shield Slam

Sequences[‘GLADS’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
‘/cast Storm Bolt’,
‘/cast Revenge’,
‘/cast Execute’,
‘/cast Devastate’,
‘/cast victory rush’,
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
‘/cast Storm Bolt’,
‘/cast Revenge’,
‘/cast Execute’,
‘/cast victory rush’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Shield Slam


Sequences[‘Fury’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Recklessness
‘/cast Execute’,
‘/cast Bloodthirst’,
‘/cast Storm Bolt’,
‘/cast Raging Blow’,
‘/cast Victory Rush’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14



Sequences[‘EnhanceS’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Ascendance
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
‘/castsequence [nopet:Primal Fire Elemental] reset=combat/5 Searing Totem,Healing Stream Totem,Healing Stream Totem’,
‘/castsequence reset=5 Lava Lash,Flame Shock,Lava Lash’,
‘/cast Liquid Magma’,
‘/cast Stormstrike’,
‘/cast Unleash Elements’,
‘/cast Frost Shock’,
‘/cast Feral Spirit’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Lava Lash

Sequences[‘EnhanceA’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Ascendance
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
‘/castsequence [nopet:Primal Fire Elemental] reset=combat/5 Magma Totem,Healing Stream Totem,Healing Stream Totem’,
‘/castsequence reset=5 Lava Lash,Flame Shock,Lava Lash’,
‘/cast Liquid Magma’,
‘/cast Stormstrike’,
‘/cast Unleash Elements’,
‘/cast Fire Nova’,
‘/cast Feral Spirit’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Lava Lash

—Death Knight—


Sequences[“Unholy”] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
‘/castsequence reset=target Plague Strike,Plague Leech’,
‘/cast [nopet] Raise Dead; Dark Transformation’,
‘/cast Scourge Strike’,
‘/cast Festering Strike’,
‘/cast Death Coil’,
‘/cast [combat] Summon Gargoyle’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Sequences[“UnholySR”] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
‘/castsequence reset=target Plague Strike,Plague Leech’,
‘/cast [nopet] Raise Dead; Dark Transformation’,
‘/cast Soul Reaper’,
‘/cast Scourge Strike’,
‘/cast Festering Strike’,
‘/cast Death Coil’,
‘/cast [combat] Summon Gargoyle’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Sequences[“UnholyN”] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Empower Rune Weapon
‘/castsequence reset=target Plague Strike,Outbreak’,
‘/cast [nopet] Raise Dead; Dark Transformation’,
‘/cast Unholy Blight’,
‘/cast Scourge Strike’,
‘/cast Festering Strike’,
‘/cast Death Coil’,
‘/cast [combat] Summon Gargoyle’,
‘/cast Remorseless Winter’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Sequences[“UnholyNSR”] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Empower Rune Weapon
‘/castsequence reset=target Plague Strike,Outbreak’,
‘/cast [nopet] Raise Dead; Dark Transformation’,
‘/cast Soul Reaper’,
‘/cast Unholy Blight’,
‘/cast Scourge Strike’,
‘/cast Festering Strike’,
‘/cast Death Coil’,
‘/cast [combat] Summon Gargoyle’,
‘/cast Remorseless Winter’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Thx for Help

Try erasing the lines in between macros. for example…

—Death Knight—

Delete these and then try it. also you might have to go into your sequences and delete all " ’ " s and rewrite them with your keyboard.
Sometimes when copying and pasting macros the " ’ " s get messed up.I also had one issue with the { and } symbols being messed up and had to delete and rewrite those as well.

Also in your macro name change the ’ to " , so it be like [ "name of macro " ]. might also be the problem. Hope this helps.Good Luck to you sir.

I try the modification … but nothing Work

dod you have a Lua doc who work … with Macro for Dk imp ?

I m going to try the doc found in GnomeSequencer : Action Bar Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns