How to prevent aching fingers without extra-soft or hardware

Bind your LazyMacro to the Mousewheel.

For example i bound my rotation-macro to mousewheel down and another instant procc-macro to mousewheel up.

Since then I’m not only lazy but also relaxed ^^
Have fun.

The original zoom keybinds are now alt+mousewheel up and down

will have to try that out. I currently have it set to holding down the mousewheel as my movement and main action keys i.e. macros bound to the numberkeys on the side

you can also use Autohotkey Scripts such as this one below ( it is set for your left mouse button and it acts like a rapid fire button )

SetmouseDelay 50
If (GetKeyState("lbutton","P")=0)

It’s what i personally use as i am mainly a CLICKER with few other keybinds for my left hand