Macro Lockups

Not sure where to put this but I figure it would be useful maybe even stickyworthy.

We all hate it when our hard work is negated because it doesn’t work as intended on every machine in every country everywhere. This is a list of a few things that have gone wrong for me in the past with my own macros but also trying other peoples macros. A tweak here and a tweak there just to get it to work for me. If you’d like to add to the list feel free as that way this list can be as comprehensive as possible.

Lockup’s can happen when…

  • Trying to cast a spell/ability on cooldown.
  • Using an item on cooldown/doesn’t exist.
  • Casting two spells that both trigger the GCD.
  • Casting a spell/ability that hasn’t proc’d when needed.
  • Casting a spell/ability during latency issues.
  • Delay timers inadequate (insert link to delay timers here).
  • Using an enchantment that doesn’t exist.
  • Misspellings in the macro.
  • Grammatical characters wrong (eg . instead of ,).
  • Talent changes.
  • Patched spell/ability changes.
  • Older Addon versions (Macrotoolkit etc).
  • Obsolete macro commands.
  • Casting a spell/ability that requires a condition not met.
  • Using a fixed spell rotation.
  • Channelled and cast spell/ability overlapping.
  • Ability positioning issues (eg. Druid and Rogue behind target).
  • Spell/ability requirement not met (eg. Stealth).
  • Target dies whilst casting (rare instances).
  • LoS issues.
  • Target is out of range (eg. Charge on a warrior where the target moves out of range).
  • Spell misses followed by a .null command.
  • Player (in combat) issues (eg. when casting a spell/ability that requires you to be out of combat).
  • Use of certain spell/ability in certain ways (eg. Mage - Living Bomb issues (5.2 - 5.4)).

In summary I hope this list can be added upon and people find it useful in thier macro developement.

GCD - Global Cooldown.
Proc - When a spell triggers another effect for a short time.
LoS - Line of sight.

Relating to the GCD spells, I may have missed it in my limited search capacity, is there anywhere listing which spells are on GCD with which other spells? i.e. what monk abilities trigger the gcd and such?

example: Does Rising Sun Kick have it’s own cool down or is it tied to something else also?

I think the best way to determine that is to put up both spells and look at them as you press it. If it doesn’t trigger the GCD then you could probably just add it to a “/cast spell” and it would be basically safe to use that way. If they both have exactly the same cooldown (not gcd) and both trigger the gcd then I would say they are tied to each other. One may be an AoE ond the other Single Target also. I don’t have any experience with Monks.