Need some people for GS (Old style) testing and Feedback.

Hello there,

I made some good improvements on the Legion macros
and… I need some people to try them and give me feedback.

All those macros are not 1 button,
Cooldowns, defencives and some procs must be done manually

Macros for:

Havoc Demon Hunter,

Blood Death Knight,
Frost Death Knight,
Unholy Death Knight,

Guardian Druid,

Beast Master Hunter,
Marksman Hunter,
Survival Hunter,

Brewmaster Monk,
Windwalker Monk,

Protection Paladin,
Retribution Paladin,

Disc Priest,

Enhancement Shaman,

Arms Warrior,
Fury Warrior,
Protection Warrior.

So if you wanna test them and more upcomming,
just add me on B-net and I will send you an link with the updated Macros,

My Battlenet: Darkramz#2160



Updated and created more sequences to try out!

Come and test them!

Hi I can healp u with paladin tank.
I have a good build and so many sequences for all situations.
I try to dk tank and druid tank.

Hey LnPv,

I have the macros ready and tested on Live and Beta, all I need to know is the fresh vision of the people that help me test those^^

I am glad you’re willing to test and improve, thank you.

This is the download of my current file:



U have my e-mail…
Send me to my mail, please.


Happy to test the DK ones, BTag is Mortis#6120