Non-Action Macros/Scripts

What i’m proposing is macro writers and non macro writers share some non-action macros or scripts that they use to make life easier for them in game that they are willing to share.

For example the usual scripts floating around that disables the error sounds and red text that pops up and on on and so forth. I’m pretty sure there is a thread like this floating around somewhere on this site, but, I figured ppl would like to share other types of macros/scripts besides class macros :smiley: If you could try to make it a standard format like for example:

“my blah blah macro/script:”

Description on what it does and how to use it

“macro/script” and highlight it and use the lovely “code” box up above to put it in the wonderful black box.

I can try to find some floating around on try to share

huh macro/script:


/run for k,v in pairs({Galleon=32098,Sha=32099,Oondasta=32519,Celestials=33117,Ordos=33118,Nalak=32518})do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "Yes" or "No"))end

Isle Of Thunder Weeklys
/run for k, v in pairs({ Incantation = 32611, Trove = 32609, LeiShenKey = 32626, RareMobLooted = 32610, Chamberlain = 32505}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Done\124r" or "\124cffff0000Not Done\124r")) end

Getting Around Achievment for ShadoPan (MOP)
/run local a=7298 print(format("\124cffFFFF00TODO for %s\124r",GetAchievementLink(a)))for i=1,GetAchievementNumCriteria(a)do local d,_,c,x,y=GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(a,i)if not c then print(format("%s %d/%d",d,x,y))end end

Displays Double pets on a list
/script local a,d={},{} local ,o=C_PetJournal.GetNumPets(false)for i=1,o do local ,,,,,,,n=C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex(i,false)if tContains(a,n)and not tContains(d,n)then tinsert(d,n)else tinsert(a,n)end end for a,b in pairs(d)do print(b)end

Hearthstone / Zoom OUT Reset

/use [nomod]Garrison Hearthstone
/use [mod:shift]hearthstone
/use [mod:alt]Death Gate
/use [mod:ctrl]Astral Recall
/use The Innkeeper's Daughter
/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 5
/run CameraZoomOut(255)