Possible Arms Raiding macro

So with Legion coming in hot i have been playing with alts and i love arms so i have been messing with macros
i used another persons macro as a base and changed a few things

I DO NOT have the legendary ring yet
right now i have the tier 18 2 piece bonus and the class trinket
so someone with more gear should give this a try

15- Double Time
30- Enraged Regeneration
45- Sudden Death(until i get the 4 Piece then i will be trying TASTE FOR BLOOD)
60- Storm Bolt
75- Viglance
90- Bloodbath
100- Siegebreaker

Unending Rage
Bull Rush
Resonating Power
Watchful Eye
for vanity
Blazing Trail
Mystic Shout

Sequences['Arms'] = { 
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
	'/cast Charge',
	'/cast Rend',
	'/cast Mortal Strike',	
	'/cast Whirlwind',
	'/cast Thunder Clap',
	'/cast Colossus Smash',
	'/cast Execute',
	'/cast Siegebreaker',
	'/cast Thunder Clap',
	'/cast Victory Rush',
	'/cast Mortal Strike',	
	'/cast Colossus Smash',
	'/cast Thunder Clap',
	'/cast Execute',
	'/cast Victory Rush',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Storm Bolt
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Siegebreaker
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Storm Bolt
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
Sequences['ArmsAoe'] = { 
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
	'/cast Charge',
	'/cast Rend',
	'/cast Mortal Strike',	
	'/cast Whirlwind',
	'/cast Thunder Clap',
	'/cast Colossus Smash',
	'/cast Execute',
	'/cast Siegebreaker',
	'/cast Thunder Clap',
	'/cast Victory Rush',
	'/cast Mortal Strike',	
	'/cast Colossus Smash',
	'/cast Thunder Clap',
	'/cast Execute',
	'/cast Victory Rush',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Storm Bolt
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Sweeping STrikes
/cast [combat] Siegebreaker
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Storm Bolt
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

i am gettng about 40k on a dummy with ust the attack power buff and a strength flask and i didnt use any potions

i use a razer naga for a mouse and have a toggle set up for 4 different buttons and they are
-Arms macro(to spam the macro0
-Colossus Smash(to always use on cooldown because the macro doesnt hit it enough efficiently]
-Execute(same reason as Colossus Smash)
-ArmsAoe macro(to spam if AoE is needed)
–i have my clicking interval set at a .067 delay

Here is a video to set the mouse up if you dont know

My Opener
-Use Recklessness (if proper time to use it make sure you learn proper times to use recklessness)
-Toggle Colossus Smash
-Toggle Arms Macro or ArmsAoe depending on target amount
-Toggle Execute

you may also like to take out charge some people dont like it some do. if you guys have any questions add me on btag and ill help you when i can

Horde Kil’Jaeden US
tauren warrior in Devils Theory