(GS) Pre-Legion 7.0.3 Macro – Disc Priest

Here is my Disc priest macro’s - None of these is tested in raids atm

Use as u like…

Talents —

Macro 1 - To use on a ally.

This will shield/heal the ally - and attack the ally’s target.

[color color=violet]Use this macro on your ally, in a grp or raid…and it will heal him and do dmg to[/color] He’s [color color=violet]target. If he however, dont have a target, it will only heal him.[/color]

Sequences['Disc-THeal'] = {
specID = 256,
author = "Zole",
helpTxt = "Heal Target - Talent: 2113121",
icon = "Ability_Priest_Atonement",
PreMacro = [[
	'/cast [nochanneling] Power Word: Shield',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] Plea,Shadow Mend,Shadow Mend',
	'/castsequence [target=targettarget] [nochanneling] reset=/target Purge the Wicked,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite',
	'/cast [target=targettarget] Penance',
	'/cast [combat][nochanneling] Mindbender',
	'/cast [target=targettarget] [nochanneling] Divine Star',
PostMacro = [[

Macro 2 - To use on a ally for AoE healing.

This will shield/heal the ally + 2 ally’s near him - and attack the ally’s target.

[color color=violet]Use this macro on your ally, in a grp or raid…and it will heal him + 2 others near him, and do dmg to[/color] He’s [color color=violet]target. If he however, dont have a target, it will only heal him, and whats near him.[/color]

Sequences['Disc-THealAoe'] = {
specID = 256,
author = "Zole",
helpTxt = "AoE Heal Target - Talent: 2113121",
icon = "Ability_Mage_FireStarter",
PreMacro = [[
	'/cast [nochanneling] Power Word: Shield',
	'/castsequence reset=/target [nochanneling] Power Word: Radiance,Plea',
	'/castsequence [target=targettarget] [nochanneling] reset=/target Purge the Wicked,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite',
	'/cast [target=targettarget] Penance',
	'/cast [combat][nochanneling] Mindbender',
	'/cast [target=targettarget] [nochanneling] Divine Star',
PostMacro = [[

Macro 3 - To use on a enemy…For solo play, leveling or use in raid, and it should heal/shield the Tank or the boss/mobs target.

Single target attack + Shielding Target’s target

[color color=violet]Use this macro on mobs/boss and it will heal whatever the mobs/boss targets.[/color]

Sequences['Disc-TDPS'] = {
specID = 256,
author = "Zole",
helpTxt = "Dps Target - Talent: 2113121",
icon = "Ability_Priest_Atonement",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/cast [nochanneling][@targettarget] Power Word: Shield',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=/target Purge the Wicked,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite',
	'/cast Penance',
	'/cast [combat][nochanneling] Mindbender',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Divine Star',
PostMacro = [[

Hey there Master Zole,

I have tested your macros and it works perfect and i do really appreciate it very much…There is a few macro that i would like you to help me with but later i will inform you back…Thanks!!

Ohh yea btw,i would like to request something special from you to help me to suit my play-style…From your macro 2 can you please help to create a new GS macro concerning few stuffs as stated below:-

  1. ‘/cast [@focus] Power Word: Shield’, <----I jz need to focus the shield on tank and summore to focus DPS under that focus target.
  2. ‘/cast [nochanneling] Divine Star’, <----To remove this cuz i would like to cast manually to suit my needs…Sometimes depends on fight i would switch Halo and Divine Star.
  3. Base on your GS it will Pws: shield on me everytime i hit the action bar and i would like it to be removed cuz i`m not really fond of using Angelic Feather Talent.

Hopefully everything in order for you to help me to create the new GS macro.



I am away the next few days, cause my wife just gave birth to my third child, so im unable to make any new macros atm :slight_smile:


[quote quote=30424]heya
I am away the next few days, cause my wife just gave birth to my third child, so im unable to make any new macros atm ???

Grats and thanks for the macros!!

just a quick question
Sequences[‘Disc-THeal’] = {
specID = 256,
author = “Zole”,
helpTxt = “Heal Target - Talent: 2113121”,
icon = “Ability_Priest_Atonement”,
PreMacro = [[
‘/cast [nochanneling] Power Word: Shield’,
‘/castsequence [nochanneling] Plea,Shadow Mend,Shadow Mend’,
‘/castsequence [target=targettarget] [nochanneling] reset=/target Purge the Wicked,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite’,
‘/cast [target=targettarget] Penance’,
‘/cast [combat][nochanneling] Mindbender’,
‘/cast [target=targettarget] [nochanneling] Divine Star’,
PostMacro = [[

in that the “target=targettarget” does that mean if i’m targeting a boss doing dps that if i switch to “Disc-THeal” i wont break my boss target and still do the minor heals?

I’m a lil bit confused to only one i seem to be healing is myself .

I have updated my post a bit.

[quote quote=32065] in that the “target=targettarget” does that mean if i’m targeting a boss doing dps that if i switch to “Disc-THeal” i wont break my boss target and still do the minor heals?

I think, if you use “Disc-THeal” on a boss, it will just heal/shield u. And no, i dont think u will lose your target.
But i need to test it to be sure.

thanks zole, very nice, works great

Sequences['DPvE'] = {
specID = 256,
author = "HS",
helpTxt = "Dps Target - Talent: 2221222",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast [help][@targettarget] []Power Word: Shield',
'/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=/target Shadow Word: Pain,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite',
'/cast Penance',
'/cast [nochanneling] Divine Star',
PostMacro = [[

Use [help][@targettarget]

Hey Zole i was wondering if you healing macro if there was a way for you to set it as a focus and not as your target, that way you can still heal him but do damage whatever damage you can do. because sometimes i end up have to target a enemy that is close to me until someone can pick it up but then i lose my target. thanks by the way love the DPS macro works like a charm.

There is no way to set a focus on 1 person and keep doing damage on any mob around you.