Ret Pally DPS 6.0.3 - Gnome Sequencer by Healme

This uses the same underlying concepts as my successful prot pally macro to ensure the highest DPS possible based on the research of Theck and the limitations of gnome sequencer.

The first section of the macro Simply names the macro and includes the step function.

Sequences['Ret'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1

The next part is the premacro. We use this to target the next enemy, and ensure your seal in correct based on your single target or AOE target mod key selection.

PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nomod,nostance: 1] seal of truth
/cast [mod:alt,nostance: 2] seal of Righteousness

This is the actual macro. It is setup based on the fastest method of obtaining HoPo while keeping DPS as high as possible.

'/cast Hammer of Wrath', '/cast Crusader Strike', '/cast Judgment', '/cast Exorcism', '/cast Execution Sentence',

This is the post macro, it ensures that you HoPo abilities are always used correctly. As well as firing off your damage CD and trinkets when in combat.

    PostMacro = [[
/cast [nomod]Final Verdict
/cast [mod:alt]Divine Storm
/cast [mod:shift]Divine Storm
/cast [combat]Avenging Wrath
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

The copy/pastable whole macro is here:

Sequences['Ret'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nomod,nostance: 1] seal of truth
/cast [mod:alt,nostance: 2] seal of Righteousness
    '/cast [mod:shift] Divine Storm',
    '/cast Hammer of Wrath',
    '/cast Crusader Strike',
    '/cast Judgment',
    '/cast Exorcism',
    '/cast Execution Sentence',
    PostMacro = [[
/cast [nomod]Final Verdict
/cast [mod:alt]Divine Storm
/cast [combat]Avenging Wrath
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

To use this macro simple turn it on, or start spamming it. If there are 3 or more targets, hold an alt key. Ctrl or alt work well, avoid shift for another mechanic I’m about to mention.

If it is a single, or two target encounter, you want to continue with the single target rotation by just leting the macro run. However… we get procs for free Divine Storms. When these happen, hold shift and they will fire without changing or interrupting any other part of the macro.

Talent choices are 1/2/1/2/2/3/3, there are no strong DPS increases on the glyphs, mostly situational, so use what you like.

I can’t get Avenging Wrath to fire, nor can I get Divine storm free procs to fire when using alt or shift keys while spamming.

Any ideas as to why this might be happening? - dps on dummies is much lower than when I manually hit the buttons - by 5k or more?

Try removing the [combat] tag from avenging wrath with the dummy, sometimes that messes it up and would account for a large loss in dps.

When I copy any of these macro’s into toolkit, they don’t work work and say they are not valid commands or macros.
Not sure what I am doing wrong.

[quote quote=20136]When I copy any of these macro’s into toolkit, they don’t work work and say they are not valid commands or macros.
Not sure what I am doing wrong.[/quote]

These are gnome sequencer macros, not macrotoolkit

Where in the hell is Templar’s Verdict?

Final Verdict, replacement talent

Oh. I should probably learn to read before asking silly questions. My bad.

@Healme this is probably the best ret sequence I can find. Im pulling around 17k on raid bosses, with ilvl 638.

This is the macro everyone should be using.

Hy Folks,

First of all, i am using Healme’s “Ret Pally DPS 6.0.3 – Gnome Sequencer” macro in a modified Version (shown below). My talents are 3/1/1/2/2/3/3 with a gearscore of 652. With the “Last Verdict” i got slightly more dps than “empowered seals”. I use the macro with keystrokes every 50ms and it works quiet good (Shift for AoE-Mode).

In the german client it doesn’t matter if you use “/cast Templar’s Verdict” or “/cast Last Verdict”.

My Issue is, how can i modify the macro that it’s using “Last Verdict” and “Divine Storm” alternating. My target is to always have the empowered “Divine Storm” when im in the AoE-Mode.

I hope you can understand me (i’m not a native speaker).

so far

german version:

Sequences['Ret'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nomod,nostance: 1] Siegel der Wahrheit
/cast [mod:shift,nostance: 2] Siegel der Rechtschaffenheit
	'/cast [combat][@target]Richtspruch',
	'/cast Hammer des Zorns',
	'/cast [nomod]Urteil des Templers',
	'/cast [mod:shift] Göttlicher Sturm',
	'/cast Richturteil',
    '/cast [nomod]Kreuzfahrerstoß',
	'/cast [mod:shift]Hammer der Rechtschaffenen',
    '/cast Exorzismus',
    PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat]Zornige Vergeltung
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

english version: (hopefully in a correct translation)

Sequences['Ret'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nomod,nostance: 1] seal of truth
/cast [mod:shift,nostance: 2] seal of Righteousness
	'/cast [combat][@target]Execution Sentence',
	'/cast Hammer of Wrath',
	'/cast [nomod]Templar's Verdict',
	'/cast [mod:shift]Divine Storm',
	'/cast Judgement',
    '/cast [nomod]Crusaderstrike',
	'/cast [mod:shift]Hammer of the Righteous',
    '/cast Exorcism',
    PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat]Avenging Wrath
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

`Sequences[‘Ret’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/cast Hammer of Wrath’,
‘/cast Crusader Strike’,
‘/cast Judgment’,
‘/cast Exorcism’,
‘/cast Execution Sentence’,
“/cast Final Verdict” ,
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat]Avenging Wrath
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

i tryed to add the step function to this addon and how do i know if it works? im newbie os yeah but i also tryed to add " Final Verdict " in the Post Macro but it wouldn’t fire off as much as it does in the place i have it right now so did i do something wrong or?

and im sorry for being stupid ;/

And Today when i was doing Raid Finder a blue geared paladin beat me in dps with 2k more ;/ i have full epic gear with ilvl 645 and he had so much lower gear than me and did more dps and that made me cry a river ;c

I’m going to need to perform a lot of additional testing for my ret work. This was something I threw together. Since final verdict is on the GCD it will not work in post. I’ll rework this after my vacation.

Healme I appreciate you working on the Prot and Ret GS code for us; this has made me enjoy the game so much more rather than staring at my bars waiting to hit the right spell next. I am 100% more aware of game mechanics and get to watch the fight instead of my bars. Looking forward to the updated code!

For these different post macros do they all go in the same page for GS or do I make a new one for each one? I am still trying to understand how GS work for the most part. I always preferred the macro extender and loved the priority macros, it’s sad to see them go because they allowed me to actually focus on the mechanics of the fight and not worry about what was off CD and what needed to be pressed/bad hang ups that castsequences tend to have. Either my DPS suffered greatly from having to button mash with no macros while paying attention to mechanics or I die a lot and no one wants to take someone who can’t pull their weight or dies every time or takes excessive damage to mechanics that should be avoided.

I have a guide on GS in the guides section, to answer your question, yes, they all go in the same file.

First post here.

I would like to start off with saying I appreciate your work on the macros healme, and look forward to your revised code for retribution paladin dps. I also make use of your gnome sequencer tanking macro. I will be happy to help where I can on the writing and editing of the code to make the macros work, although I am still learning this stuff.

I just started using macros and can offer a few insights from a new user perspective.

First off, depending how good you are at pulling off the rotation your self, do not expect giant dps gains from using these macros, but a dps gain can usually be expected, (somewhere between 5-30 percent depending on your skill/knowledge of the rotation.) What you can expect is a large boost to survivability and raid awareness as you can focus on raid mechanics instead of perfecting your rotation. Since using these (along with some ui changes,) I almost never die to raid mechanics anymore, unless its a wipe. A far greater benefit then just pure dps gain in my opinion. I also raid lead and help raidcall, and not worrying about my rotation helps me a lot.

2nd: Using macros is currently allowed by blizzard, even long complex ones like this. The grey area begins when you start using “press and hold” or single press hardware scripts/macros in conjunction with these macros these usually involve time delay scripts. That is against the EULA as of a year ago and probably still is, I can find/link blue post I saw if needed. What I do is bind the macros to scroll up and scroll down keys on my mouse for very effective spamming of the macro button (the faster you spam a macro, the better it does.) This is entirely legal by blizzards rule set. Blizzard may not be able to detect hardware macros, and they may not even care at this point, but just be aware, it is against the eula to have multiple actions done by 1 keypress (rule is 1 key press per action.) This is to combat botters that ruin the wow gold economy, as well as make certain bg’s miserable.

3rd: I will try editing it myself, (I think I just remove the lines) but having two scripts, healme’s and the edited one will help combat one weakness in these macros: Timing dps cooldowns to lust or or boss mechanics.

I would use Healme’s macro most of the time, but if I want cooldowns available for a certain burn phase or to line up with lust, 2 minutes roughly before the “burn phase” I switch to edited macro that does not have the dps cooldowns “baked in”, then during burn phase, back to the main macro. If I get stuck on this I will post back here :slight_smile:

4th: DATA
At roughly 650ish item level, (my dps set features lots of gear ment for tanking) I am pulling 20-21kish dps with this macro on heroic HM bosses. Ranking wise on askmrrobot I am roughly middle of the pack for my ilvl. If my dps gear set was optimized for dps, and I got a 2handed weapon upgrade I would probably be in the 75ish percentile. I look forward to seeing what an updated dps code by Healme can do.

Tanking macro I do even better, in the “seraphim” macro I consistently rank in the 90+ percentile for dps done as a prot pally, with one fight ranking in the 99th percentile as dps done. And this is with a 636 weapon for main hand. For those that are curious for more data with good data break downs, look up my char: Redeath on server Hyjal on to see combat logs of the last few weeks of fights I have done.

I will watch this thread and help out where I can.

Many thanks for creating the GS macro and posting.

Any chance you could post a single target macro (with alt mod for DS proc) and a seperate macro (with stance check) for AOE please?

Due to other keybinds using Alt, Ctrl and Shift running both single and AoE in the same macro cause a headache.

I have no idea if there is a solution to the mobs dying and auto target firing off a ranged spell into a fresh pack of mobs … something I try to avoid when not solo but have yet to find a good solution.

Any help or advice is very much appreciated.

dont work in ru version. may be character set problem :frowning:

Sequences['Ret'] = { PreMacro = [[ /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /cast [nomod,nostance: 1] Печать правды /cast [mod:alt,nostance: 2] Печать праведности ]], '/cast [mod:shift] Божественная буря', '/cast Молот гнева', '/cast Удар воина Света', '/cast Правосудие', '/cast Экзорцизм', '/cast Смертный приговор', PostMacro = [[ /cast [nomod]Окончательный приговор /cast [mod:alt]Божественная буря /startattack /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide(); /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 ]], }

HI it doesnt work for me. GS is up in wow: this is what i have :

local _, Sequences = … – Don’t touch this

– Rename this file to Sequences.lua before you get started, it uses a different file name so as not to overwrite your existing file with a future update.
– Every entry in the Sequences table defines a single sequence of macros which behave similarly to /castsequence.
– Sequence names must be unique and contain no more than 16 characters.
– To use a macro sequence, create a blank macro in-game with the same name you picked for the sequence here and it will overwrite it.



Sequences[‘Ret’] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nomod,nostance: 1] seal of truth
/cast [mod:alt,nostance: 2] seal of Righteousness
‘/cast [mod:shift] Divine Storm’,
‘/cast Hammer of Wrath’,
‘/cast Crusader Strike’,
‘/cast Judgment’,
‘/cast Exorcism’,
‘/cast Execution Sentence’,
PostMacro = [[
/cast [nomod]Final Verdict
/cast [mod:alt]Divine Storm
/cast [combat]Avenging Wrath
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

My mcaro inst blank in game but i cant press it. help please

Healme, why do you rewrite the sequence if I may ask?