Shadow Priest Swap Bar Macro (with video)...


Video #1 (General Setup & Short Demo):

Video #2 (Test - HM Normal - The Butcher):


    Angelic Bulwark Body and Soul Insanity Psychic Scream Power Infusion Halo Clarity of Power


    Mind Spike Mind Flay Fear Ward

B1B1 (updated 24-JAN-2015):

#show Devouring Plague
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nostance:1] Shadowform
/castsequence [mod:ctrl, nochanneling] reset=target/3 Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, Mind Flay
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/swapactionbar [nomod] 1 2

B2B1 (updated 24-JAN-2015):

#show Shadow Word: Death
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nostance:1] Shadowform
/castsequence Shadow Word: Death
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/swapactionbar [mod:ctrl] 2 1; [nomod] 2 3

B3B1 (updated 24-JAN-2015):

#show Mind Blast
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nostance:1] Shadowform
/castsequence Mind Blast
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/swapactionbar [mod:ctrl] 3 1; [nocombat] 3 2; [nomod, combat] 3 4

B4B1 (updated 24-JAN-2015):

#show Shadowfiend
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nostance:1] Shadowform
/castsequence [nomod, nochanneling, combat] Shadowfiend
/cast [nomod, nochanneling, combat] Power Infusion
/cast [nomod, nochanneling, combat] Vampiric Embrace
/cast [nomod, nochanneling, combat] Fear Ward
/use [nomod, nochanneling, combat] 13
/use [nomod, nochanneling, combat] Draenic Intellect Potion
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/startattack [combat]
/swapactionbar [mod:ctrl] 4 1; [nocombat] 4 2; [nomod, combat] 4 5

B5B1 (updated 24-JAN-2015):

#show Mind Spike
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nostance:1] Shadowform
/castsequence [nomod, nochanneling, combat] Mind Spike
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/startattack [combat]
/swapactionbar [mod:ctrl] 5 1; [nomod] 5 2

Basically, you copy & paste the code above into FIVE separate macros (I use the addon called Macro Toolkit to get past the Blizzard 255 character limit). Then, you simply drag and drop each macro into the specified BAR / BUTTON slot (as indicated above).


    This is a "DoT weaving" Single Target rotation that uses a single key modifier [mod:ctrl].

    Spam your macro until you have at least TWO Shadow Orbs; at which point, you press and hold the CTRL key modifier for the duration of SWP, VT, MB, DP, plus INSANITY x 2.

    Here is the WeakAuras 2 string used to notify you when you have TWO Shadow Orbs:

    updated 08-JAN-2015


Enjoy! :slight_smile:

as of the last hotfix we only have 4 bars now

Strange!? The hotfix came out on December 19th and I haven’t had a problem. In fact, as of yesterday (22-DEC-2014) when I posted these macros, everything was working great.



Please explain to me like im 5.
I have all the macros copy/pasted in the correct bar/bin, however the only thing it does is swap bars and cast mind spike, when i hold ctrl as a modifier it stops swapping bars altogether :confused: i have no expiration with macros at all and i assume this is entirely due to my own ignorance. Thank you in advance for any helpful advice

[quote quote=20909]Hi,
Please explain to me like im 5.
I have all the macros copy/pasted in the correct bar/bin, however the only thing it does is swap bars and cast mind spike, when i hold ctrl as a modifier it stops swapping bars altogether :confused: i have no expiration with macros at all and i assume this is entirely due to my own ignorance. Thank you in advance for any helpful advice [/quote]

Without pressing the CTRL key mod, this macro set swaps bars accordingly and casts Shadow Word: Death (when target is below 20%), Mind Blast, and Shadowfiend on cooldown with Mind Spike as a filler. It also casts Power Infusion, Vampiric Embrace and Fear Ward on cooldown. Meaning, it might feel like you’re casting Mind Spike all the time, but technically you’re not.

Not until the CTRL key modifier is pressed (and held down for the duration of Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, and Insanity x 2) does it actually feel like this macro is doing anything else. This is also when swapping bars stops (temporarily). If it didn`t stop swapping bars, you would never get to cast DP and Insanity.

I will post a short video in the next couple days to give a quick demo.

I hope this helps explain things a bit better. :slight_smile:

id like to understand where is bar 3,4 and 5??

Hopefully this video will shine a little light on how this macro works:


Thanks Man! And the video is excellent.

Hmm… the macros aren’t going off for me either… After switching into shadow form nothing happens whether or not i hit ctrl during the spamming… not sure whats up.

Damn… i been at this for hours… macros are not working at all. They go into shadow form then nothing… I am not new to macros. My GnomeSequencer macros are working but the ones I make with macro toolkit are not at all.

It appears some spells cast when i tap the ctrl key… other wise nothing… ?

Do u use Bartender4? - Ensure ACTION BAR PAGING is ENABLED on BAR1 and nothing else.

What UI do u use? (Spartan, ElvUI, LUIv3) - Someone has mentioned to me before that they could not get swap bar macros to work using Spartan UI.

Remember to HOLD THE CTRL KEY DOWN during the DoT phase.

I using LUIV3 from your video. I turned that paging on bar 1. That helped. now its semi working but not really. Its casting tons of spikes, ctrl modifier stops the casting… I verfied in recount indeed mind spike is the most casted spell.

theres a bunch of options under that paging checkbox that says “dont page” shoudl any of that be changed?

i have the same problem. when i press Down ctrl everything stops but otherwise it works

Let me elaborate,

It’s still not working right. Just mind spiking a bunch according to recount and the control modifier just stops all casting if I hold ctrl.

So I checked the “allow paging” only on bar1. However there are a bunch of choices under that that say “dont page” do I need to change any of those?

Using LUI3 from your video.

New update. So i noticed now that I checked that box you asked the BAR1 spells are usually Bar2 spells but they rotate through when i press my button. However, when i hold control it stops ALL CASTING. But if I tap the ctrl button it starts to cast dots and 2 insanity then i let go and it goes back to the rotation. I don’t want to have to tap the Ctrl button though, is there something I can do so that I just have to hold ctrl instead of tap?

OK I think I totally fixed it now. LOL. Thanks for your help! So i changed all my modifiers to ALT instead of CTRL in the macros. I must have some CTRL key binding somewhere that messes yours up. I think CTRL 1 is a pet thing? Maybe that info will help someone else out as well. Pretty sure my key bindings are default. I will use this and let you know if I run into any more trouble. Awesome macro man!