
Mainly for shockadin fun in BG and daily quests. I will be Tweeking this more as I get a better rotation.

idea is to use gnomesequencer and keybind to the mouse wheel and then spin to win healing when moused over an ally or dps and annoy the crap out of the enemy you have targeted.
Healing works ok.
DPS I’m still tweeking: With Sanctified Wrath Talent you have a rotation of: HS-Den-HS-Den-HS-Harsh Words.

There are not many Glyphs that are specific to Shockadin. We have:

Glyph of Denounce:  Holy Shock reduces Denounce cast time by 0.5 sec.  Stacks to 3.  –Since Denounce is a 1.5 second cast which is reduced by haste and equal to the GCD this is a useless glyph.  No benefit. (use what ever you want)
Glyph of Harsh Words:  Makes WoG a dps spell as well as a heal.  Can’t use it with Eternal Flame.  In MoP it didn’t work properly.  In WoD it is fixed and is now our biggest hitter.  Mandatory Glyph for Shockadins.
Glyph of Holy Shock:  increases the damage done by holy shock by 50%, reduces healing by 50%.  — I like that blizzard thinks our Holy Shock would be over powered if it didn’t come with a healing penalty.  Overall it increases DPS by about 15%.  Mandatory Glyph for Shockadins.

Tallents: Sanctified Wrath, Holy Prism are the ones that will give more dps.

I have both eternal flame and Sacred Shield in the macro because i’m extra lazy and would rather just swap the talent as i need for the fights.

If you tweek or get something better let me know.
(most all of the stuff i posted here is not original It is pieced from other people from across the interweb, sorry i did not write your name down when to give you credit i actual didn’t think shockadin would work)

Sequences['Shockadin'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=10/target Flash of Light,Holy Light,Holy Light,Holy Light',
	'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=15/target !Beacon of Insight',
	'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=20 !Holy Prism',
	'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=7 !Light of Dawn',
	'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=6 !Holy Shock',
	'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=9 !Holy Radiance',
	'/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=11/target !Denounce',
    '/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=6 !Holy Shock',
    '/castsequence [@target,harm] Harsh Words',
    '/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=20 !Holy Prism',
	'/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=4/target Crusader Strike',
    '/castsequence [@target,harm] Judgment',
    '/castsequence [@mouseover] Sacred Shield',
	'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=20 !Eternal Flame',
	'/castsequence [@focus,exists] reset=30/target !Hand of Purity',
	'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=25/target !Beacon of Light',
    '/cast Hammer of Wrath',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
    /cast [combat]Avenging Wrath
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

i have copied and pasted from the box like i always do into GS, but when i use the macro its saying the spells in the chat bar any ideas as to why please?

Opening quotation marks are closing type, change them throughout the macro and it should work. Whenever I copy into Notepad++ I simply go through the macros and change all quotations to the double style rather than single style that way I know all are correct.


Sequences['Shockadin'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=10/target Flash of Light,Holy Light,Holy Light,Holy Light',
'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=15/target !Beacon of Insight',
'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=20 !Holy Prism',
'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=7 !Light of Dawn',
'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=6 !Holy Shock',
'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=9 !Holy Radiance',
'/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=11/target !Denounce',
'/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=6 !Holy Shock',
'/castsequence [@target,harm] Word of Glory',
'/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=20 !Holy Prism',
'/castsequence [@target,harm] reset=4/target Crusader Strike',
'/castsequence [@target,harm] Judgment',
'/castsequence [@mouseover] Sacred Shield',
'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=20 !Eternal Flame',
'/castsequence [@focus,exists] reset=30/target !Hand of Purity',
'/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=25/target !Beacon of Light',
'/cast Hammer of Wrath',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/cast [combat]Avenging Wrath
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

sorted out the issue of it saying in chat

So like it so far but for some reason my mouseover heals are not working just wants to keep dpsing. My pally is lvl 92 if that affects it all not sure.

Nvm had a line that was mixed up.

The Talents I choose with this by looking at the macro and testing in BG’s are: 3,3,3,1,2,1,2