Website still very slow to load pages.

This website has been slow loading for a very long time and needs some form of tweaking doing to it.

Here is a test from pingdom today:

This website is slower than 84% of all websites tested, with an average page load of over 8 seconds!!!

says its faster than 87% of sites tested today though!

Hello Joe,

Usually is pretty fast while users are not logged in because pages are cached and can be delivered as a static file.

When users are logged in it takes extra time because usually those pages are not cached and is accessing the database. It could be faster but I can’t afford a VPS and extra services like bigger companies do to provide faster loading times.

I will try to play with different caching methods and hopefully increases the performance.

That day the hosting might of being having problems, if you check the history of your Pingdom results you can see that all other days and months it was faster than that day.

Thanks for letting me know.


You can get a fast VPS here :slight_smile: