Why can't I get macros with Focusing Shot to work?

Been trying to make a Macro with Focusing Shot. The first half works, but when I get to the end where I cast Focusing Shot, all it does it cast Focusing Shot… Any idea?

Do you mean Focus Fire when it hits 5 stacks?

If so Im BM i use…

/castsequence reset=15 !Kill Command, !Glaive Toss, !Focus Fire

u cant move when u cast it…mine work just fine

I’m not moving. What I’m trying to say is that the Macro I make hangs up on Focus Fire… Once it gets to Focus Fire, it won’t go back and repeat the macro… It just stays on Focus Fire…

hi Try this :slight_smile:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence=!dire beast,!bestial wrath
/castsequence reset=combat glaive toss,kill command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,kill command,cobra shot,arcane shot,cobra shot,kill command,cobra shot,cobra shot,cobra shot,arcane shot,cobra shot,cobra shot,arcane shot,cobra shot,cobra shot
/castsequence reset=30 !dire beast,!focus fire
/castrandom !kill shot,!kill shot
/cast bestial wrath
/cast !kill shot
/cast [@missrobihood,combat] spirit mend
/use 13

want more info go to this link here on lazy macros…theres a pvp version and this pve version


scroll down :slight_smile: