Windwalker GS with TigereyeBrew (Updated 6-28-15)

Deleted macro. Would be nice if we had the option to delete a post rather than just editing it.

ty for that works with charm :*


I’d like to see what you would do for brewmaster and mistwalker.


Hi Amanda,

Great macro, i love this one and your brewmaster one. Thank you very much for putting the time into getting this right.

I do have a question and i noted your “but we gotta help the new people too” and thought i would post a question here.

What does the step function do in this macro and your brewmaster one. In my very limited coding experience it doesn’t seem to relate to the macro.

One other question i had was related to a comment you made in another thread about button push delay being 50ms. DO you think you need to do this? I normally just have my razer keyboard spam the button as much as possible and have had little problems (even getting 20k dps with my warrior on certain fights). Thoughts would be appreciated.

ps. sorry for stealing your thread


Does the step function really work like that? I was under the impression that it only applied to the macro part of the script, like in this post: gnomesequencer-new-step-function-customized-rotation I haven’t looked at it closer myself though, so might completely off track.


Thanks a bunch for clarifying!

I cannot get any macros to work I have no idea how to integrate GnomeSequencer or how to copy and paste the code in the black box above into Macro ToolKit without getting 100 errors, someone please help…


First off, your macro is a great guideline of how a macro should be formatted for WW or any DPS. I used it while leveling, but now that I am level 100 I only got to 11-12k DPS and serenity did not go off once for me. I’m sure that was a user issue or something :stuck_out_tongue: I just hotkeyed it as it will be more useful if used in a burst macro with Xuen and a trinket like:

#showtooltip Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/use Tigereye Brew
/use 13
/cast Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/cast Serenity

I also have Serenity on another hotkey because of the different cooldown timers.

I am in 648 pvp gear. I have the weapon with Mark of Warsong and lower end multistrike enchants on other gear.

Secondly, I modded your macro and took out the step function. I run out of energy less and hit the raiding dummy in Warspear for around 15k DPS on several tests. Please let me know what you all think.

Sequences['Monk'] = {

PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=target/25 Jab,Tiger Palm',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] Jab,Chi Brew',
	'/cast [nochanneling] !Rising Sun Kick',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Jab',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Chi Wave',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Blackout Kick',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Jab',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] Jab, Jab, Energizing Brew',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Blackout Kick',
	'/cast [nochanneling] !Expel Harm',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] Jab, Jab, Jab, Jab, Jab, Jab, Tigereye Brew',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Touch of Death
/use[combat,nochanneling] !Blackout Kick
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

After a bit, it kind of slows down, but picks up again very fast. In arenas/BG’s, it is great because of the constant disconnects.

I will continue to work to split this up for a better rotation once I get used to WW again as my natural spec is heals on any class.

Again, thank you very much for posting your macro and giving me a great guideline to work with.


I agree about being stubborn with macros. I only heal in RBG/arena usually too, but WW is fun to play around with. The ! in GS does work, but not as well as it did in toolkit unfortunately. I am still tweaking the macro to let off less Tiger Palms for better burst. I think for optimization I will just hotkey it. The rest of the macro is very fluid. Still, it is good for beginner PVP players that want to spam something and get decent DPS.

I came up with this to help with Fists of Fury for now:

Sequences['FoF'] = {

PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] Jab,Chi Brew',
	'/cast !Fists of Fury',
PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

It is ugly I know, but goes off without a hitch ;p
Please enjoy this and GL in game :slight_smile:

Sorry for this dumb question from a macro noob.
Does all of this get executed from one button?



I was wondering if i needed a special keyboard because nothing but jab seems to go off (at the right time) i used the first macro on a dummy for about 4min and BoK went off about 3times RsK went off 5times the brews go off almost normal sometimes it would get max stacks and not use for abour 5-6seconds so i sit for 6chi alot i even put BoK/RsK on my tool bar and while pressing the macro i see the moves light up like they are getting pressed but then nothing and i jab again any help with this would be great

[quote quote=24778]Hello
I was wondering if i needed a special keyboard because nothing but jab seems to go off (at the right time) i used the first macro on a dummy for about 4min and BoK went off about 3times RsK went off 5times the brews go off almost normal sometimes it would get max stacks and not use for abour 5-6seconds so i sit for 6chi alot i even put BoK/RsK on my tool bar and while pressing the macro i see the moves light up like they are getting pressed but then nothing and i jab again any help with this would be great

Hey there Matt. Dumb question, but, are you just holding the button down or mashing it repeatedly? The reason I ask is I’ve seen several ppl state they just hold the button down thinking that would work since the button is mashed which won’t work lol. Most macro writers here either have a gaming keyboard with macro button capabilities like Logitechs, Razers, Sharkoons, etc or use 3rd party macro software like Autohotkey and they program the buttons or software to have a delay on the macro while holding the key down. Saves stress on machinegunning the keys and killing the buttons or fingers in the process. You can mash the keys repeatedly and would work for the most part, but, are more optimal with a gaming keyboard. Hope that helps.

p.s. Also if you are not high enough level you won’t have some of the spells yet and will skip those and always double check what talents and glyphs the macro authors are using. Sometimes something as minor as a talent or glyph can alter performance of the macro if it differs from the authors