AFF AIO - V.1 09/05/2018

Usage Information
If Agony is not refreshing fast enough for you, Try the alternate version below.

Darkglare is on shift, Drain Life is on alt
Talents are currently 3,2,1,2,1,2,3

I look forward to hearing your input - The one thing I dont like about this macro is you are ALWAYS out of soul shards. I don’t know if thats intended nowadays or I am missing something.

Video Link
Affliction Macro Test BFA


This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.09.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Haunt, Phantom Singularity, Deathbolt, Dark Soul: Misery, Agony

KeyPress: Summon Darkglare, Corruption, Drain Life, Agony

Main Sequence: Shadow Bolt, Dark Soul: Misery, Unstable Affliction


This version applies Agony more often, rather than risking it falling off. It will apply an agony after 4 shadowbolts + Misery. this is suboptimal but may be needed for some/most. Use the regular version if you dont need this. 100ms
Darkglare is on shift, drain life is on alt

dmuQeaalbDlPk2LuP(fadtuDmqwgKEMQ00avUgkPTju9nqPXjuoNuLwNurDpuIAGaLoOIQfkvsteLWfbkSrqHpkevJeOYjfcReLiVuQiZuQQUPuv2PO8tGIgQIslfu0tr1uvfxvQqBvQeFvisVvv5UQQ2lXFfIyWuoSklgcpwKjdKllzZq0Nfy0O40i9AqvZwk3gq7MQFJy4OuhxrXYv45qnDLUUISDGQ(UubJxikNxiTFslqYJKbj8hWbgrYS9ppY7iy0ZCyaJEMhby2txG6zE)psgQ8i8NRv(If(BiAiuiAiuiA4RWzrH8MARKbjCWvn2c)HHIvd81atjUAhB2nAHvBEaXJQgqYOuJGClpuTXTm1qTL5C1gum8upqn6QgYR1OEGAeKi7wTiw16aT1u7yZUfvTZv7ciEu1oKBnudo1WmhishqqAlwTRHjDR2YqXQrXQHNqqyVuGxtnetRAaVOQHOuZRcubsnKKHAycWQB16iUuBzk1gvWu7gQb(AGPexnks1IsMudeXx18QaP2YqXDRguEoqSAklXIBaFq7gLAuSAexnmdf5gQgOXrD1AuKLAuSAexTRTcNZUsrWcjdnoRcF(0YqgcpcprDq0jGGnsJoaok8Q28uImaj8(U0G0LAGPehlpsgK8izqchq6WRAFojXCUxnQh8R2BouEmjdv4ashEv7ZjjMZ9Qr9GF1GGEJfpxYEfoG0HxCnZu5PsTpNKyo3Rg1d(vd9fnoS5HQH(Igh28q1qFrJdBEOAOVOXHnpuTEJLl8(je29tbsxHJk8zj4TVlniYJSchC1bsqi8SkbVGq4DTARGq4WK6bqccH3Pk6SJcJLhjds4a2BeuB5fWOQ95eMBa8)duDG(LmuHdGDT3UxcE1(alssAchwrgfV4Fj7v4ashEv7dibuNV2gc200atgHojXCUxnQh8Rg6lCqS(kzWjCaPdVQ9bKaQZygkYn0jjMZ9Qr9GF1qZzfkwUKXQWbKo8IRzMkpvQ95KeZ5E1OEWVAJcxllV3iOwajcqe3QMA9glpuniyrdvZNAnzfENQOWSA1Hl5rwH)mOo81Ikie(ZG6WxlKGq4WK6bOccHp7O67sdI8izqchq6WRAFojXCUxnQh8RgAC4GYJlzOchq6WlUMzQ8uP2NtsmN7vJ6b)QbxmOyqHQ1BSCj7v4ashEv7ZjjMZ9Qr9GF1qZzfc2ELm4eoG0Hx1(CsI5CVAup4xniO3yXZLv48TydJjpTuIlCEnZu5l9AYkRW778PRfHV1a8LVuIlDvwzfbaUsage Information

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.09.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Haunt, Phantom Singularity, Deathbolt, Dark Soul: Misery, Agony

KeyPress: Summon Darkglare, Corruption, Drain Life, Agony

Main Sequence: Agony, Shadow Bolt, Dark Soul: Misery, Unstable Affliction

works very well for me at 348 i lvl , 19% haste and 100ms

I added shadowfury with @cursor on alt and moved drain soul to ctrl.

nice :slight_smile: Yeah the mods are personal preference really. I have shadowfury @ cursor bound to E and I use drain life and darkglare on 2 and 3. Battle Potion on Q, etc.
I tried this macro before bed in Uldir and I felt there was maybe a bit too much movement for just the macro to trigger agony after haunt… I am also a terrible player. I’ll wait for more input before changing anything, this took a very very long time to make in this state I am ashamed to say.

adding alternate version to main.

Any Aoe?? :slight_smile:

yes, this one massively lacks aoe. Im looking into an aoe macro / set.

Best affliction macro!

I get 6,8k DPS on training dummy 5 minutes, my raidbots dps simulated on 7,3k.
Fired at 30ms

This macro is really nice! Only caveat is not enough shadowbolts :frowning: raidbots says 19.2, and this macro consistently only performed at 10. So…I added some! With my current ilvl I got 99 percent optimization out of this macro with the added shadowbolts, I also manually kicked off d’glare at start to get the xtra time for the initial UA’s then when the macro hit deathbolt my dps soared! I really like this macro, has a tight burst potential, and levels out keeping all the dots applied and keeping me at atleast one stack of UA throughout the fight. Nice!
Follows is the modifiaiton for shadowbolts.
dmK7eaalbDlfr7sHQFbWWuWXeQLb0Za00eqxdu12esFtv04eGZPiSofLUhsQAGiPCqqyHkQAIKsUiiIncI6Jke1ivu5KKsTsKu5LkKmtfj3ejzNI0pbrAOksTuqLEkjtvv5QkuARku8vfcERQQ7QkTxk)vHidM4WQSyH4XIAYG0LLSzK4ZKQrJuNgXRvfMTuUnOSBQ(nudxGoUIILlvphY0v66Iy7Gk(UcPgVcHopPy)O2ITpln2uFZbjJ00tbXipwizsiGmKNecTH0jht8Kqm1NLcAFM67ALVitbmemmoemmoemeOPMRAbn1hnbXcCQoIGDwUGbBKcXce6yxdlWW9IfmLT8qw63sxDww6ZzPtqpiUolKLfkxRrCDwWuOmolAVSmAsRXYfmytdlNZYPJDnSCu2QZsGSGOpO4rhb3welxdHhNLLMGyHGybLebhCjWUglrswwGDAyjsXIxf0ckluWDwqyy14SmwuXYsxS0l9K21zbovhrWolekSObNWcuSVS4vbLLLMGgNL4HbyiwyQtRR)qVD9IfcIfSZcIMqzdzbA)iolncLIfcIfSZY1wtPvr5sARLgBkiswAC3uA7zIdLKaJAJGMoSEHwwGiNXDOMIQl3XJP6ic2r2NLgBFwASPaKp0YYVJZ0N7vJ46VSaCiEialf0uaYhAz53Xz6Z9QrC9xw066pyrHtAZYcveu11yPanfG8Hwunts55ILFhNPp3RgX1Fzbeiy0NdHSacem6ZHqwabcg95qilGabJ(CiKLjcyWutHXbNIaJSMc0utJrlvxUJTpBn1C1b1IyQ0k)WIyQ5R2ArmfCjUESfXuFDI)OwqBEtnQsdCRwDOY(S1uQTcc5epVeSBkvnts5l5AM6Rt8h1gBZBk4sCDqlIPMUxuD5o2(S0ytbiFOLLFhNPp3RgX1FzbmAGXdrTuqtbiFOfvZKuEUy53Xz6Z9QrC9xwM7s8nKLjcyiKfqGGrFoyPanfG8Hww(DCM(CVAex)LfWb4JFoHLgOPaKp0YYVJZ0N7vJ46VSO11FWIcN0MLfQiOQRXsH3uaYhAz53Xz6Z9QrC9xwabcg95GTMAuLMP7fczFwASPaSxxV2YlyAy53X0xh27p06G(APGMcqWAVDV8dw(PgfCobfwJibTOxlfOPaKp0YYpmm0zV2gsTCshH7HootFUxnIR)YciWaJHhOLgOPaKp0YYpmm0zr0ekBOJZ0N7vJ46VSaoaFCadwk8Mcq(qlQMjP8CXYVJZ0N7vJ46VS0luTu)ED9AbKXWICllSmradHSe)emKfpP1S1wBnLkyL1wllfmk8MIQZtUM2(wD4u(sWUnVT2AgaUsage Information
This version applies Agony more often, rather than risking it falling off. It will apply an agony after 4 shadowbolts also. this is suboptimal but may be needed for some. Use the regular version if you dont need this. 100ms
Darkglare is on shift, drain life is on alt

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.11.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Phantom Singularity, Deathbolt, Shadow Bolt, Agony

KeyPress: Summon Darkglare, Corruption, Drain Life, Agony

Main Sequence: Shadow Bolt, Agony, Unstable Affliction

hello all … i’m new to this macro game so i have one simple question … what is the 100ms stuff and how to configure it ?? i have seached a little but coudn’t find anything… or if i’m not in the right chan can you point me to the right direction… thx

[quote quote=65735]Best affliction macro!
I get 6,8k DPS on training dummy 5 minutes, my raidbots dps simulated on 7,3k. Fired at 30ms[/quote]
Am I the only one that thinks DPS claims should be accompanied by the toon’s ilvl? I know there are many things that affect the DPS outside of the ilvl (good trinkets, enchants, etc.), but at least it gives some parameter to actually identify if the DPS is somewhat good or not.

[quote quote=65755]

Best affliction macro! I get 6,8k DPS on training dummy 5 minutes, my raidbots dps simulated on 7,3k. Fired at 30ms

Am I the only one that thinks DPS claims should be accompanied by the toon’s ilvl? I know there are many things that affect the DPS outside of the ilvl (good trinkets, enchants, etc.), but at least it gives *some* parameter to actually identify if the DPS is somewhat good or not.[/quote] The person gave simc/raidbots score, which indicates sub max or freshly minted max, and then gave the difference between actual and theory data, which was a very slight variation (one wonders if it was actually performing better because theory includes raid buffs by default) and it becomes obvious that this macro is very very optimized :D I found it lacking only in shadowbolts, and by tweaking that difference, for me, this macro became my current favorite.

I am glad you guys liked this one. I no longer use it as my guild started moving into heroics and its not exactky on that level. I am glad you were able to update it for everyone and people can get a little more use from it. I look forward to seeing what people come up with as we go forward and I hope this gave someone a few new ideas about writing macros.

very nice macro!

thanks much for this very good macro…i use this macro since the beginning of expansion for every raids, dungeons ,even for mythic raids and this is the best afflic macro i can say… i hope you also make macro for shadowland…


try it first then try otheres.