Assassination 8.0.x PVP

Hey there,

First macro I’ve made… trying to get it decent for PVP stunning down healers and being a general pest in BG’s and Arena. I’m open to suggestions. The issue I have with it at the moment is I can’t get the cheapshot to work unless I press the macro button slow. So I can’t just mash it if I want the cheapshot to go off. Any suggestions here?

Talents 1212321

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.01.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Stealth

Main Sequence: Envenom, Toxic Blade, Garrote, Shadowstep, Rupture, Cheap Shot, Mutilate

Post Macro:

Try in incorporate vanish into your sequence. Cheap shot can only occur while in stealth. So you would have to vanish to cheap shot then cycle back to rotation.