Balance GS-E Fun Play 2 button st & AOE that works for me

I have modified a macro from HiroYakamura and I think they work great. Feel free to test and make any recommendations to improve. I don’t know how to box it.

Sequences['Moonkin_ST'] = {
author = 'HiroYakamura/Firstman',
specID = 102,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 3133233 - Use modifier Shift to reapply Moonfire and Sunfire. Incarnation is supposed to be on a separate Keybind for more burst control.',
icon = 'INV_Misc_QuestionMark',
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform] !Moonkin Form
"/castsequence [combat] Solar Wrath,Solar Wrath,Moonfire,Solar Wrath,Solar Wrath,Sunfire,Solar Wrath,Solar Wrath,Moonfire",
"/cast [combat] Starsurge",
"/cast [combat] New moon",
"/castsequence reset=target/shift Moonfire, Sunfire, null",
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Sequences['Moonkin_MT'] = {
author = 'HiroYakamura/Firstman',
specID = 102,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 3133233 - Use modifier Shift to reapply Moonfire and Sunfire. Incarnation is supposed to be on a separate Keybind for more burst control.',
icon = 'INV_Misc_QuestionMark',
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform] !Moonkin Form
"/castsequence [combat,nomod] Lunar Strike, Lunar Strike, Moonfire, Lunar Strike, Lunar Strike, Sunfire, Lunar Strike, Lunar Strike, Moonfire",
"/cast [combat] New moon",
"/cast [mod:shift,combat] Starfall",
"/castsequence [nomod] reset=target/ctrl Moonfire, Sunfire, null",
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Just put in code box

Sequences[‘Moonkin_ST’] = {
author = ‘HiroYakamura/Firstman’,
specID = 102,
helpTxt = ‘Talents: 3133233 – Use modifier Shift to reapply Moonfire and Sunfire. Incarnation is supposed to be on a separate Keybind for more burst control.’,
icon = ‘INV_Misc_QuestionMark’,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform] !Moonkin Form
“/castsequence [combat] Solar Wrath,Solar Wrath,Moonfire,Solar Wrath,Solar Wrath,Sunfire,Solar Wrath,Solar Wrath,Moonfire”,
“/cast [combat] Starsurge”,
“/cast [combat] New moon”,
“/castsequence reset=target/shift Moonfire, Sunfire, null”,
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
Sequences[‘Moonkin_MT’] = {
author = ‘HiroYakamura/Firstman’,
specID = 102,
helpTxt = ‘Talents: 3133233 – Use modifier Shift to reapply Moonfire and Sunfire. Incarnation is supposed to be on a separate Keybind for more burst control.’,
icon = ‘INV_Misc_QuestionMark’,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [noform] !Moonkin Form
“/castsequence [combat,nomod] Lunar Strike, Lunar Strike, Moonfire, Lunar Strike, Lunar Strike, Sunfire, Lunar Strike, Lunar Strike, Moonfire”,
“/cast [combat] New moon”,
“/cast [mod:shift,combat] Starfall”,
“/castsequence [nomod] reset=target/ctrl Moonfire, Sunfire, null”,
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

new moon is only one part of the spell, there are 3 spells that do more damage as they progress. you should add them into your rotation or you’re missing out on a tonne of damage.

new moon - 450% of spellpower as astral damage
half moon - 900% of spellpower as astral damage
full moon - 1800% of spellpower as astral damage

If you’re using the priority step sequence, i’d put them up top as well so they fire off when they’re off cooldown.

Hi Looshkin

I’m new to GS-E. Can you post an example macro with the 3 moon spells in priority sequence?


[quote quote=32924]new moon is only one part of the spell, there are 3 spells that do more damage as they progress. you should add them into your rotation or you’re missing out on a tonne of damage.
new moon – 450% of spellpower as astral damage half moon – 900% of spellpower as astral damage full moon – 1800% of spellpower as astral damage
If you’re using the priority step sequence, i’d put them up top as well so they fire off when they’re off cooldown.

negative you want to keep them separate on key. you would cause a damage loss to keep spamming them when they’re up. its better to manually do them.

Hey there

I’ve just been trying to import this profile but when I click import it doesn’t do anything any ideas?


Got it to work I swapped the Author and Spec ID lines and now it imports

There is no need. for spells that change like this the base version is all you need in a macro. /cast new moon will cast all three versions.

Just like you don’t need to rewrite all your monk macro’s when you change weapons.

im having a issue with the shift modifier applying both moonfire and sunfire. it applies moonfire fine but than it either starts to cast another spell or just keeps casting moonfire while sunfire never gets applied.

thank you for this, the original macro is really good, but for level 100 i need one like this with new moon?

does anyone have a video/tutorial on how to copy paste this into gnome? im very noobish