Bloodshot New Macro to celebrate new Race

Updated 07/10/2018
TALENTS: 1131122
Hey so decent update since last draft, will continue to update if i find better tweaks, it’s pretty optimized and flexible currently, normally top dps in HC’s and Mythics dependent on aoe spam bois. And in PVP well ye this thing hits almost as hard as a Arms Warrior, has more cc and utility and is as aggressive as an Enh Shammy

100ms - this is not set in stone it’s just the speed that works best for me, use whatever works for u anywhere from 50ms-200ms

Ilvl 336 - no point in specifying dps as it varies according to az traits and haste etc. but 9k on target dummy, more in dungeons depending on fights and sometimes less depending on fights

If u want tweaks or changes use your initiative, I didn’t invent anything here I made this from learning from the ones I used on other classes and the other good macros on the site. Look at macros from John, Enix, Cym, Urz etc. etc. etc. and ofc ask in Discord, learnt a lot there just from reading the questions that pop up.

Thanks and only use this macro if u wear a mask and use a batman voice!

dCeZqaWisePnbsu(eirgLqk6uKiQzPkDlHKDbvHFPQgMu0XuPLPINjuMgk6AsPTjQ(MinorCoOSouO7bvLbsI0bHQKfcv6HIsAIGeUOqkSrOk1irboPqQALGuEPOeZeQQUjkODkv)eQIgkuXsfL6PatfvARKi8vseXBrvDxuL9ImykhwPftcpwWKrPlRyZcvFgvmArXPb1RjrnBs62QIDlPFtQHdIJlKklxINdz6uDDHy7cP03bjnEqQoVuy9Gev7Ny6sCP(La4IF8epHcadWtUrDXJl1pexcWGrfIkCvzcKXDiig)FOQHQ6cL34zdfncpc6NFCDjYd67AiWHVcvTMfLr7rvhOg1Zgk6OCDuHrDuuwFIQoqnQYgMVskenYJkp)KJraUR6uDebUrf798g79(EFpV3OoeGHBOOvIPGG1veXL6xIl1Ve4hwKl2PfJzcg1pe4hwKl2nj)K2K6XiWpSixSBs(jbJ6mjWpSixStEEAkg1BjWpSixStlgtSwQNtGFyrUyNwmMjyupLa)WICXUj5N0Mea)Ane8d)a7eOLazv)OyDcxcWGzzjfeOpbLjfea3r1jfeiB4kNlPGa4Orod3qrtCP(La)WICXoTymXUu)qGFyrUy3K8tAtQhJa)WICXoTymXAjNazzAGtzqiIl1Ve47BHZ4tDEAig)QoZwE4XNDwwEu)qGFyrUy8RAiJ)w1SZYYtSKKyupgb(Hf5IX33cNXXxCDic6vSb6Wih9kwvZollVx((w4mo(Gm(Ryd0Hro6vSQMDwwEIfJjZ0uQZKa)WICX4)OzzeLboUZtS0Kl1BjWpSixm(pAwgrzGJ78e7I1e70s9Cc8dlYfJ)JMLXv1Fvke1TXu4j2njnhlH6Pe4hwKlg)hnlJQbVO(QuiQBJPWtSBsAEBtYjq2Wvohsbba(abVJudoSUsaWeDrMQdVQeGBbUQ84xcxcWTaxvE8dHlbWPmmCdfnXL6xc8dlYf7MKFsWO(Ha)WICXo55PPyupgb(Hf5IDAXyIDjNazzAK9OolAiUu)sGFyrUyxSMyNwQFiWpSixStEEAkg1JrGFyrUy3K8tcg5Kt9dXL6xc8dlYf70IXmbJ6hc8dlYf7MKFsBs9ye4hwKl2nj)KGrDMe4hwKl2jppnfJ6Te4hwKl2PfJjwl1ZjWpSixStlgZemQNsGFyrUy3K8tAtQNqGFyrUyClBq5PaLqI1hN6ye4hwKl2fRnnLa4xRHGF4hyNaTeiR6hfRt4sagmllPGa9jOmPGa4oQoPGazdx5CjfeiltJSh1zrdXL6xc8dlYf7I1e70s9db(Hf5IDYZttXOEmc8dlYf7MKFsWiNazzAGtzqiIl1Ve47BHZ4tDEAig)QoZwE4XNDwwEu)qGFyrUy8RAiJ)w1SZYYtSKKyupgb(Hf5IX33cNXXxCDic6vSb6Wih9kwvZollVx((w4mo(Gm(Ryd0Hro6vSQMDwwEIfJjZ0uQZKa)WICX4)OzzeLboUZtS0Kl1BjWpSixm(pAwgrzGJ78e7I1e70s9Cc8dlYfJ)JMLXv1Fvke1TXu4j2njnhlH6Pe4hwKlg)hnlJQbVO(QuiQBJPWtSBsAEBtYjq2Wvohsbba(abVJudoSUsaWeDrMQdVQeGBbUQ84hcxcWTaxvE8lHlbWPmmCdfnXL6xc8dlYf7MKFsWO(Ha)WICXo55PPyupgb(Hf5IDAXyIDjNa4Orod3qrtCP(La)WICXoTymXUu)qGFyrUy3K8tAtYjN6XiUu)sGFyrUyNwmMjyu)qGFyrUy3K8tAtQhJa)WICXUj5NemQZKa)WICXo55PPyuVLa)WICXoTymXAPEob(Hf5IDAXyMGr9uc8dlYf7MKFsBsa8R1qWp8dStGwcGJg5mCdfnXL6xc8dlYf70IXe7s9db(Hf5IDtYpPnPEmc8dlYfJVVfoJJV46qe0Ryd0Hro6vSQMDwwEV89TWzC8bz8xXgOdJC0Ryvn7SS8edl5qobyWSSKcc0NGYKccG7O6KccKnCLZLuqGSmnYEuNfnexQFjWpSixSlwtStl1pe4hwKl2jppnfJCcKLPboLbHiUu)sGVVfoJp15PHy8R6mB5HhF2zz5r9db(Hf5IXVQHm(BvZollpXssIr9ye4hwKlgFFlCghFX1HiOxXgOdJC0Ryvn7SS8E57BHZ44dY4VInqhg5OxXQA2zz5jwmMmttPotc8dlYfJ)JMLrug44opXstUuVLa)WICX4)OzzeLboUZtSlwtStl1ZjWpSixm(pAwgxv)vPqu3gtHNy3K0CSeQNsGFyrUy8F0SmQg8I6RsHOUnMcpXUjP5TnjNazdx5Cifea4de8osn4W6kbat0fzQo8QsaUf4QYJFiCja3cCv5XVeUeaNYWWnu0exQFjWpSixSBs(jbJ6hc8dlYf7KNNMIr9ye4hwKl2PfJj2LCcKv9JI1jCjN6mjUu)sGFyrUyNwmMjyu)qGFyrUy3K8tAtQhJa)WICXoTymXAPotc8dlYf70IXmbJ6Te4hwKl2nj)K2Ka4xRHGF4hyNaPeahnYz4gkAIl1Ve4hwKl2PfJj2L6hc8dlYf7MKFsBs9ye4hwKl2PfJjwl5eGbZYskiqFcktkiaUJQtkiq2WvoxsbbYY0i7rDw0qCP(La)WICXUynXoTu)qGFyrUyN880umQhJa)WICXUj5NemYjaWhi4DKAWH1vcaMOlYuD4vLazdx5CifeiltdCkdcrCP(LaFFlCgFQZtdX4x1z2Ydp(SZYYJ6hc8dlYfJFvdz83QMDwwEILKeJ6XiWpSixm((w4mo(IRdrqVInqhg5OxXQA2zz59Y33cNXXhKXFfBGomYrVIv1SZYYtSymzMMsDMe4hwKlg)hnlJOmWXDEILMCPElb(Hf5IX)rZYikdCCNNyxSMyNwQNtGFyrUy8F0SmUQ(RsHOUnMcpXUjP5yjupLa)WICX4)Ozzun4f1xLcrDBmfEIDtsZBBsob4wGRkp(HWLaClWvLh)s4saCkdd3qrtCP(La)WICXUj5NemQFiWpSixStEEAkg1JrGFyrUyNwmMyxYjqw1pkwNWLCYjad3AKvn6R(uI2P6W6kHlbyWOcHakXuqW6kIrbAxXIsSOr0oLgEg4khbAhXIsmCucCeOftSOedpH4W66QkgCCXIigu3Ql2ZuzfdY4Ib1mWQJySA4khXus0fvwXYQU6t1fOXuSOelAaDiWL5zQ(QkgotbPRRQAdX4mUyzG5KzkIXcbj2td0Og)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(eCXE2qrlwr7RdRR4HanbA4Oe4ig3vDQosSOedkklhDffw1rm8Q8OlVILTElIPJlgydf44WH5vmULnO8uGsiX6JlwuIHZ4IHYOJOYkMIrSqKAfUYrmiJlgdAm1vmDrSSxiUUiwCDrmgmRQy1Pe)vmfrCXGmfKUUQIfYOHdJylsSvvvmiJlgRwmpZigAFgXuSOrmwiicGxr8m6cbWvvRzrz0Us5gPSQn0vcGxLPUu)qaaKje9qb1pTTeakM4BevN6xcGJsGd1pKtorUsage Information
1 - Everything
2 - PVP
3 - Optional if u want mend pet while doing World Content
4 - Expiremental Personally get higher dps myself, all i did was remove Aspect and Coord Assault from body.

NB: Remeber to use shift modifier to use Disengage and Harpoon back to generate some focus if needed
NBNB: Change the Inner Loop Option to a lower number if u want more Serpent Sting, alternatively make it higher if u want less Serpent Sting

Talents - 1131121 For highest DPS raid boss etc. 1131122 for Similar DPS but higher burst oportunities caused by Infusion and bleeds, changing talents for 15 (1or3) & 100 (1or2) won’t affect macro rotation.

PVP Talents - Dragonscale Armor, Roar of Sacrifice, Tracker’s Net - Pet should be cunning pet Hyena or Raptor for Heal nerf, but personal choice as all pet do the same base dps

This macro contains 4macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.12.

  • The Default macro is 1
  • PVP uses version 2
  • Arenas use version 2
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Aspect of the Eagle, Serpent Sting, Coordinated Assault

KeyPress: Misdirection, Freezing Trap, Disengage, Tar Trap, Harpoon, Call Pet 1

Main Sequence: Kill Command, Raptor Strike, Aspect of the Eagle, Wildfire Bomb, Coordinated Assault

KeyRelease: Aspect of the Eagle, Coordinated Assault, Harpoon

Post Macro: Wildfire Bomb, Serpent Sting, Raptor Strike

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Aspect of the Eagle, Serpent Sting, Coordinated Assault

KeyPress: Misdirection, Freezing Trap, Disengage, Tar Trap, Harpoon, Call Pet 1

Main Sequence: Kill Command, Raptor Strike, Aspect of the Eagle, Wildfire Bomb, Intimidation, Coordinated Assault

KeyRelease: Aspect of the Eagle, Coordinated Assault, Harpoon

Post Macro: Serpent Sting, Raptor Strike

Macro Version 3
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Aspect of the Eagle, Serpent Sting, Coordinated Assault

KeyPress: Misdirection, Freezing Trap, Disengage, Tar Trap, Harpoon, Call Pet 1

Main Sequence: Kill Command, Raptor Strike, Aspect of the Eagle, Wildfire Bomb, Coordinated Assault

KeyRelease: Coordinated Assault, Harpoon

Post Macro: Revive Pet, Serpent Sting, Raptor Strike

Macro Version 4
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Aspect of the Eagle, Serpent Sting, Coordinated Assault

KeyPress: Misdirection, Freezing Trap, Disengage, Tar Trap, Harpoon, Call Pet 1

Main Sequence: Kill Command, Wildfire Bomb, Raptor Strike

KeyRelease: Aspect of the Eagle, Coordinated Assault, Harpoon

Post Macro: Wildfire Bomb, Serpent Sting, Raptor Strike

Some quick feedback, but just tried this out in a WSG BG and was third overall in damage. :slight_smile:

Great macro grant!

Grant, just a quick question, have you tried this out with Alpha Predator too, or just Viper’s Venom? Just curious if the added Focus from AP would be of benefit. Thank you!

Hey guys thanks for the feedback, I have been tweaking since this first draft and will post an update later.
With regards to Viper’s Venom you can take Alpha Predator if you prefer but for a slight dps loss although focus uptime is better. I prefer Venom for the big hits it provides in PVP.

how do the multiple versions get used? first time ive used a lazy with multiple versions.

When u right click on the macro to open it after typing /gse u can scroll down and see what version is being used for what scenario like arena, raid etc. Just click the drop down to chose the version u want to use, bare in mind the pvp version will only work in open world if u are in world pvp mode

I noticed it seemed to be AOE’ing in a dungeon? is it using Carve? or?

That’s your bombs, I don’t use carve, u will notice on boss that ur single target should be fairly high

Love the macro. Haven’t played Survival since WotLK. Question about #4, you said you took out the 2 CDs for Surv. but when I looked at it you still have them in the Pre Macro and Key Release areas of the Macro. Is this intentional? I originally thought you took them off competently and are firing them manually.

Hey, thanks for the feedback, I see what I said was I removed them from the body(middle) of the macro, they are still in pre and keyrelease. Less clutter and it moves through macro quicker but I think it also depends on gear and haste

Talents – 1131121 For highest DPS raid boss etc. 1131122 for Similar DPS but higher burst oportunities caused by Infusion and bleeds, changing talents for 15 (1or3) & 100 (1or2) won’t affect macro rotation.

You show two talent choices here but when I import your string the Sequence editor shows 1-3,2,3,1,1,1-2.
Seems you have taken Hydra’s Bite for the 30 talent but in your info you took Guerrillas Tactics in both.

Which should be the right talent?

[quote quote=66575]

Talents – 1131121 For highest DPS raid boss etc. 1131122 for Similar DPS but higher burst oportunities caused by Infusion and bleeds, changing talents for 15 (1or3) & 100 (1or2) won’t affect macro rotation.
You show two talent choices here but when I import your string the Sequence editor shows 1-3,2,3,1,1,1-2. Seems you have taken Hydra’s Bite for the 30 talent but in your info you took Guerrillas Tactics in both. Which should be the right talent?[/quote]

Thanks I didn’t see that
TALENTS: 1131122

Leveling a mag survival orc, boy this is alot of fun im tearing stuff up only level 25 though. Also is there a way to stop auto target couple of dungeons ive pulled mobs by mistake.

ye remove the target noharm line in the keypress section, then u will be back to tab targeting

So far so good.

Ily for this macro!

Great macro! Got a problem though. Even when I removed all targeting nearest lines, the macro will still auto target nearest enemy and fire due to abilities like mongoose bite(raptor strike) which seems to target nearest on its own. Any way to prevent it or make it lock after my target dies until I re-target?

(Comment and question removed I figured it out)
I must say this macro rocks!, I tried BM and although its great as well the Survival spec and the way it plays is just super fun and easy to manage as a one button macro. Thanks for the work on this

Grant Schultz could tell me what’s your ms global and local?