BM GS Macro - How To, based on Icy Viens recommendations only

Because of a few comments about how to create a GS Macro or what to do, I figured I would walk you all thru a simple (sort of) Macro based solely on the recommendation of Icy Veins for BM Hunters. This way you can go forth and create Macros on your own.


Sequences['BST'] = {


Everything, all the code that will run in your Macro will fall between the { and the }

What to Name a Macro?

In the above I’ve started by naming this Macro: BST – but why?
Really only 3 – maybe 4 – characters will show up on the ActionBar and in the Create Macros screen, so keep it something short that you can pick out right away.
I choose:
B = Beast Master
ST = Single Target

You can choose what you want, but I’d just suggest you follow this pattern.

What spells/etc should I use in the Macro?

Well, let’s see what Icy Veins has to say:

Single Target Rotation The single target rotation for a Beast Mastery Hunter is based on the following priority system.
  1. Cast Titan’s Thunder on cooldown
    —and when you have a Dire Beast active on target.
    —Try to cast it right after casting Dire Beast for
    —maximum benefit.
  2. Use Dire Beast, or Dire Frenzy
  3. Cast Kill Command.
  4. Cast Cobra Shot when you have over 90 Focus.

The most important thing to watch out for is to not Focus starve yourself, such that you do not have enough Focus to cast your abilities on cooldown. This means that you should not always use Cobra Shot as soon as it is available, but rather only use it to prevent yourself from capping on Focus. In addition to the above, you will also have to make use of several cooldowns, as we explain below.

As a Beast Mastery Hunter, you have two important cooldowns, namely Bestial Wrath and Aspect of the Wild. You should aim to use Bestial Wrath as many times as possible in the encounter, but there are several subtleties regarding its use, and we describe all of them later on in the guide. Aspect of the Wild should generally be used in conjunction with Bestial Wrath at all times, though not at the cost of additional usages throughout the fight.

Bestial Wrath should be used as many times as possible during the encounter. In order to ensure that you cast as many high-damaging shots during the 25% damage buff (40% with Bestial Fury talented), you should always make sure that you have as much Focus as possible before using Bestial Wrath, but without capping on Focus. As well as starting your Bestial Wrath with maximum Focus, you should end it with as little Focus as possible. Additionally, you should generally not use Bestial Wrath unless Kill Command is within 3 seconds of coming off cooldown. Finally, keep in mind that every time you use Dire Beast or Dire Frenzy, the remaining cooldown on Bestial Wrath is reduced by 15 seconds. So if Bestial Wrath is just about to come off cooldown (under 2 seconds, for example), you should delay Dire Beast until you use that Bestial Wrath, so that you do not miss out on the cooldown reduction effect or waste part of it.
A Murder of Crows should be used on cooldown, although it can and should be delayed a bit to overlap with Bestial Wrath if the opportunity arises.

From this we now know what spells we will be using

  1. Titan's Thunder
  2. Dire Beast/Dire Frenzy
  3. Kill Command
  4. Cobra Shot
  5. Bestial Wrath
  6. Aspect of the Wild
  7. A Murder of Crows

How to order these spells?

Well, from what Icy Veins is tell us, we want:

/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Aspect of the Wild

To come first, and :

/cast A Murder of Crows

To come last.

So, now, let’s put that into our Macro:

Sequences['BST'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Aspect of the Wild

PostMacro = [[
/cast A Murder of Crows


Now what spells and what order do we need to have the order spells in to complete the guts of the Macro? Well, from Icy Veins, we once again know that we want a Dire Beast/Dire Frenzy on the target before firing Titan’s Thunder. So, that’s :

    "/cast Dire Frenzy",
    "/cast Titan's Thunder",

All we have left is Kill Command & Cobra Shot, so we code that as:

    "/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot",

Why do it this way? Well remember when Icy Veins said:

The most important thing to watch out for is to not Focus starve yourself, such that you do not have enough Focus to cast your abilities on cooldown. This means that you should not always use Cobra Shot as soon as it is available, but rather only use it to prevent yourself from capping on Focus.

Kill Command has a 7.5 second CD, so we are hiding the Cobra Shot behind a wall to give it some time to recover focus, HOWEVER – realize – this Macro is a Yugo. You will be focus starved from it, you need to play it a bit to be Focus rich in all fights.

Thus we now have the guts of the Macro written:

    "/cast Dire Frenzy",
    "/cast Titan's Thunder",
    "/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot",

So, now our Macro looks like:

Sequences['BST'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Aspect of the Wild
    "/cast Dire Frenzy",
    "/cast Titan's Thunder",
    "/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot",
PostMacro = [[
/cast A Murder of Crows

That’s can’t be all … what now?

"bad artists copy, great artists steal." -- Pablo Picasso

Ok, now to finish off, we go for being a great artist and steal code from other Macros that we realize work well.

For the PreMacro:

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1
/cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix; [@pet,combat,dead] Revive Pet; [@pet,nocombat,dead] Revive Pet
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player] Spirit Mend
/cast [combat,pet,@player]Roar of Sacrifice
/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
/petattack [@target,harm]

and for the PostMacro:

/cast [@pet,combat] Mend Pet
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

And with that we finish off the Macro:

Sequences['BST'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1
/cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix; [@pet,combat,dead] Revive Pet; [@pet,nocombat,dead] Revive Pet
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player] Spirit Mend
/cast [combat,pet,@player]Roar of Sacrifice
/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
/petattack [@target,harm]
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Aspect of the Wild
    "/cast Dire Frenzy",
    "/cast Titan's Thunder",
    "/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot",
PostMacro = [[
/cast A Murder of Crows
/cast [@pet,combat] Mend Pet
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

I hope that you can see you can take the basic layout here and use it to build your own Macros.

Thank you!

Thanks for this!
As for AoE, would replacing Cobra Shot with Multishot be enough, or some other adjustments should be made as well?

Also, I see Roar of Sacrifice a lot in various macros lately. Is it possible that this single spell increases player’s dps to the extent that it justifies keeping pet on cunning instead of ferocity ? Just curious.