Camera issues....just recently started while targeting and spamming macro

I would like to know if anyone has started having camera and mouse right click issues while running around a target and trying to spam your macro. I noticed today that my camera is all mesed up and I can stay focused on target. I have seen many Wow forum post about this issue and I have tried the fixed of changing from full screen top fullscreened windows…bu issue still persist. I only have 1 Addon…GSSE

I disable GSSE and I can run around my targets using simples macros with no issues. I try using the Ret Pallidin defualt macros…and i have all kinds of camera and strafing issues…I did notice if I put my mouse point in game to the left of my target and spam my macro…it looks like the macro is activating a left click. I can show a video if this makes more sense…if anyone is familiar please let me know.

Thank you,

You can close this forum post, I figured it out. It was the Trinket Use box checked…I had 2 trinkets with uses…and as I spammed my macro…it kept using the on-use of the trinkets…and targeting anything and spinning the camera…

I just unchecked the feature…and camera issues went away.

Not sure if anyone else has seen this or if theres a fix, so we can use the Trinket on use…without spinning the camera.

Thank you,

Thanks that helps I forgot to check that!