Character 90 degree turns when macro active and right clicking

Anyone else have the experience of macro active in combat + right mouse click = character turning about 90 degrees right and/or mouse cursor getting recentered on the screen? I tested this on the target dummy, uninstalled all addons besides gse and emptied all keybinds with modifiers. Used DV8’s and BladePro’s macro then also tested the ultimateBM macro on my hunter. With the macro running at the target dummy, I would then right click slightly right of my character, and about every 3rd or 4th right click would spin my character and camera to the right. I even tried a different mouse in case it was something hardware based. Is this a normal thing other people are experiencing as well?

Edit: In case it’s related, I also have trouble moving in combat/raids where I have to pause my AHK toggle in order to be sure my character will move (don’t stand in the bad!).

make sure any trinkets are not target location if they are make sure they are not set to use within the macro

Just going through all the variables, I changed my AHK code and I think that did the trick. My AHK knowledge is limited so I am not sure really why it’s working better now. But in case anyone else has this problem, maybe this post will be helpful.

Old one (do not recommend):

#IfWinActive, World of Warcraft
ControlSend,-,World of Warcraft
sleep 50


New One (seems to be working well so far but limited testing):

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3

Toggle := !Toggle
If (!Toggle)
Send -
Sleep 50 ; Make this number higher for slower clicks, lower for faster.