Common Mistakes in GnomeSequencer Files

I have had a few people send me their GS files for debugging so I thought I would share these to save people some of the same problems.

  1. If GS is not loading at all, make certain it installed properly including Sequences.lua
  2. If there is an error popping up on login look to the line number in the Sequences.LUS file likely there is a ' error. the ' must be escaped and so for example "Tiger's Fury" needs to be "Tiger\'s Fury"
  3. If there are still errors on log in the next most common issue is the comma "," needs to be after the quotation mark at the end of the line not before it. So: ," is a problem it should be ", Example: "/castsequence reset=10 Force of Nature," is wrong , "/castsequence reset=10 Force of Nature", is right
  4. The name of the macro must be the same as the Sequence name
  5. Names are limited to only a few characters. Also some symbols are ignored in names such as '-' so if you have two sequences RetAOE and RET-AOE the system will see them as the same and will fail on creating the new macro.

Dispelling some myths:

Gnome Sequencer is compatible with Macro Toolkit. They do not interfere with one another and I have used both simultaneously on the same toon at the same time

Continuing common bugs:
6. There are often times where a switch is not triggering so a cast does not go off in the right priority (because items are being skipped over) consider adding:

StepFunction = [[
        limit = limit or 1
        if step == limit then
            limit = limit % #macros + 1
            step = 1
            step = step % #macros + 1

between the title and the premacro section.

  1. You must create the Sequence Macros under your Name Specific Macro tab. failure to do so will result in your client locking up.

So this makes it fire each line?

[quote quote=19964]StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1

what about, not getting any error ingame, creating the new macro, putting in the right name and the macro field stays clean? #showtooltip and /click “name macro” isnt appearing :frowning:


[quote quote=20205]So this makes it fire each line?

<div class="d4p-bbt-quote-title">Robert Brumbelow wrote:</div> StepFunction = [[ <snip> ]],
[/quote] That is what it takes to make certain the macro advances one step per keystroke and does not bound over anything in between. Technically I am told that the code [quote]Prioritizes the first line down to the bottom which is very beneficial for priority classes.[/quote]

I have sent you an email requesting a copy of your file. Likely, you simply have a naming conflict. for some reason certain characters are skipped in the naming of sequences so Sub-Rogue and SubRogue seem to be the same name.

8. When copying and pasting into Sequences.LUA from a forum or any other source, be certain you paste without formatting (plain text) I have had a few requests for cleanup where someone pasted in a copied sequence and the single quotation marks were not the right characters thus causing GS to not recognize the statements as individual steps.

  1. Gnome Sequencer is Language specific. If you do not use English as your base language (as many do not) you will need to change the names of actions/ spells to the names that are correct for your localization.

Example: English Macro to Deutsch Makro

Sequences['RetA'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostance: 2] seal of righteousness
/cast Avenging Wrath
'/cast Hammer of the Righteous',
'/cast Execution Sentence',
'/cast Judgment',
'/cast Hammer of Wrath',
'/cast Exorcism',
'/cast Divine Storm' ,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14


Sequences['RetA'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostance: 2] Siegel der Rechtschaffenheit
/cast Zornige Vergeltung
'/cast Hammer der Rechtschaffenen',
'/cast Richtspruch',
'/cast Richturteil',
'/cast Hammer des Zorns',
'/cast Exorzismus',
'/cast Göttlicher Sturm' ,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
  1. Always make a backup and always save your files.
    10a. If WoW is open, after you save the Sequences.LUA file, either /reload or restart WoW.
  1. If you are running Windows and you rename ExampleSequences-Copy to Sequences.LUA, you have actually named it Sequences.LUA.LUA. Just rename it Sequences.

The problem is that Windows hides the file extension for “known file types” (like LUA) See the Microsoft article: Show or Hide File Name Extensions The article is for both Windows 7 and 8.x

I have tried coping and pasting from site and the ones they say work, does not only managed to get one to work. I have to do the files and then start wow? and even when i do it still does not work i even removed all my addons and had gnome only and still could not get it to work.

9 Addendum: It was pointed out to me by Deepac that it is not Gnome Sequencer that is language Specific, rather it is WoW that is language specific and so character encoding and spell names must match WoW’s standards. In hind sight I should have seen this, but well we all learn right? The rest of the post #9 however is still accurate.

I would like to add a common mistake if I may, I have done it twice so please note it does happen. I am using SVUI and twice now I have installed GS in the wrong folder. I keep missing the addon folder in the interface

I am not familiar with SuperVillian UI. Are you saying it has its own addons folder and that GS must be installed there as well or in place of the normal location? I personally use SpartanUI so I am most familiar with that.

Hi yes it puts folder all over the interface folder the point I am trying to make is usually if it does not work its not installed correctly or your macro is wrong.

I have been running gs macros for a while now. I have a number of different toons. I copied another macro into my sequencer file and now none of my macros on any of my characters work. Is there a limit to the number of macros I can have?
Thanks in advance

I, like Col, am having issue with GS, a few days ago I noticed that all macros have stopped working. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it and even repasted the macros back into the sequences file. I cant get them to work at all which were working perfectly the days before. Any ideas if other addons or updates have broken this? Thanks for your help.

I have over 60 presently, the more I add, the slower things get.

Most likely however there is simply a syntax error in your file. As usual, send it to be at my email (easy to find since it is rk my last name @ same as the first part (first 2 initials + last name) .info and I will look at it. - obfuscated to stop spambot processing as I am really not interested in Russian knock off sneakers sold with Portuguese handbags from stores in Brazil (an actual spam I received recently)

All sequences are limited to 16 chars in name length and some characters are ignored so do not name one xyz-aoe and another xyzaoe to GS they have the same name.

Hi! Love your addon. I am having an issue. During raids the buttons stop working getting stuck on the ? icon and will not do anything. In order to fix it i must delete and remake the macros which is killing my dps numbers in fights. (people in pug raids tend to get hostile if they think they are “carrying you” and will boot you out)

Any ideas whats wrong?

Thanks for any help you can give.

[quote quote=21617]Hi! Love your addon. I am having an issue. During raids the buttons stop working getting stuck on the ? icon and will not do anything. In order to fix it i must delete and remake the macros which is killing my dps numbers in fights. (people in pug raids tend to get hostile if they think they are “carrying you” and will boot you out)
Any ideas whats wrong?
Thanks for any help you can give.

A couple of things:
Not my addon, it was written by Semlar
I am not certain I have ever seen the behaviour you describe. Not only should lockups of this kind not be happening, but you should not be creating Macros while in combat.

So, that being said I suspect there is a flaw in your sequence file and you are presuming a reset that is not happening.

What class/ spec are you playing?
Are you pressing the macro key manually or with a key repeater?
How quickly are you pressing the key?
What if any LUA errors are showing up.

I happen to know that I can set a keyclick at 200ms, walk up to a targetting dummy and come back 20 minutes later and have GS still running. Because, I did this once accidentally.