Cym's Arms Warrior Test

So yesterday i worked on this for the majority of yesterday and testing it in different scenarios and for me it’s working “OK”.

I have tried so many different iterations of this it’s not funny anymore.

It’s a very basic macro, possibly not the best but… it uses the skills in the order i needed in the opening then after that i was not fussed where they appeared except Rend.

Didn’t it to just keep casting it and waste 30 rage when i didnt need to lose it.

This will do CS>MS>Rend>Slam (what i did actually want it to do) then whatever comes off cooldown after that, it will then also re-apply Rend nearer the end or just after the end of it’s cycle so it will drop off on longer fights.

I have added in 2 mods to this for Shift and ctrl. Arms as some other macros should not be used as 1 button or you will become rage starved be be less useful than a limp noodle.

To use the first one Battle Cry and Bladestorm you will hold shift down until BOTH fire off. It will then reset the line back to Battle Cry while you wait for it to come off cooldown. Both of these skills have a 1 min cooldown. You also will only use Battle Cry with Bladestorm as intended. I also have an @player there because i use Ravager even for ST.
Warbringer is on Ctrl but this is mainly for AoE’ing larger packs to apply Colossus Smash or when there is no upcoming AoE and you want to re-apply Colossus Smash.

The macro WILL lull in places with having nothing to cast other than auto attacks, sadly this is part of the design of Arms and it’s 1 of only 2 rage builders you can use. Other one is Charge, if you lull and you have little rage and awaiting a cooldown, then get used to pausing the macro, heroic leaping out and then charging back in to boost your rage.

Charge was left out so you don’t become more hated than a Huntard because you have targeted a rat far off and zoomed into it like an exocet missile and pulled 2 packs for the sheer thrill of pissing off your team mates. Use it manually.

Sequences['Stop!_Hammer_Time'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "1322323",
  Help = [[Talent builds can be 1/3-3-1/2-1/2-3-2-2/3 without changing anything in the macro.
Use should be CS>MS>BC+BS>Rend>Slam then let it do whatever.
If low on rage and skills are on cooldown, Heroic Leap out of the fight and charge back in - Pause the macro first]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/castsequence [mod:shift,@player] Battle Cry, Bladestorm",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Warbreaker",
        "/cast Execute",
        "/cast Colossus Smash",
        "/cast Mortal Strike",
        "/cast Rend",
        "/cast Slam",

If you have any suggestions on how to improve it then feel free to comment and i will consider the changes.

Please also post constructive feedback and not “It doesn’t work” - Just don’t be THAT person.

Also speed wise, i have this set personally at 100ms, no faster and no slower. I found this to be the best setting for me.

Hey Cym what do you mean but your talents they seem weird 1/3-3-1/2-1/2-3-2-2/3?

I will break it down… the / is an or.

So 1/3-3-1/2-1/2-3-2-2/3

Dauntless or Sweeping Strikes - Double Time - Trauma or Rend - Second Wave or Bounding Stride - Titanic Might - In For The Kill - Opportunity Strikes or Ravager

It’s to help make it more interchangeable and by doing so there is no need to change any timings or change skills in the macro as in ToS you do want to change talents around for ST and AoE based fights

could you add charge :slight_smile:

Well… you can add it if you want it in there, just add it to the top or keypress… HOWEVER… You will cause those red errors to appear saying you’re too close to the target. Also i left it out as stated above, you will potentially target something unwanted and zip to it causing no end of unhappiness to your team mates who will possibly loathe you to death

Hi cymiryc i tested the macro
My warri have 4p t20 gs 922 around 19 % haste and 80% mastery weapon is lvl 58
On raiddummy in a 5 min fight Iam atm 1.05m - 1.1m dps
I think it hits too mutch rend
Switched rend behinde Slam it hits not often enough
Anything we can do. to get rend hit every 7-8sec ?


I don’t know… i did play with internal loops but in some instances you may finish a rotation of a macro after just 1 spell being used out of the 5 and then it’s applied. It’s just as random as is.

As you mentioned if you move Rend behind Slam it’s not used enough but putting 1 up on the macro will use it even more.

Where it is just now (for me and my current gear) it would apply with 3 seconds to go or 2 seconds after it dropped off.

I will try playing with loops again tonight and see if this helps. Alternatively, it might be as simple as slowing it from 100 to say 110ms and testing like that… seems more about getting the right timings.

I’d be more than happy at a 2s refresh

i play with razer naga 100ms at macro rend is mostly at 6or 7 secs than it recasts
but we need it at 2 or 3 sec to recast before it goes off

btw you have a execute phase macro?

here is my test it pls and give me a feedback

Sequences[‘Execute’] = {
– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
Talents = “1,3,2,2,3,2,3”,
Help = [[Execute Phase]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Sequential”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/castsequence reset=5 Execute, Execute, Colossus Smash, Mortal Strike”,
“/castsequence reset=5 Execute, Execute, Mortal Strike”,

test it with 110ms and 120ms best preformance for me was at 100ms

what you thinking about a second macro only with rend on a 7sec cd?

but i think that macro have no change to trigger if the rotation runs with 100ms

Nope, i don’t.

Because i have Execute at the top of the macro it will always take priority and be the first skill used at all times. There was then no need to have an execute macro :slight_smile:

but the rotation in execute phase is EXE x2 (for the buff on ms) CS > MS

OK i am home to re-test the macro to try and stop Rend from firing off too quick.

I have made a slight change and tested it… it will now cast a 4 seconds and below and it might drop off for 1-2 seconds.

I can’t fix this properly because of the random nature of the speed of firing the macro off and how it will hit each line, if i were able to invoke a strict reset it would be ideal but it’s not.
I have also tested with different reset= times but again because you’re essentially trying to do 15 lines per second or so you’re always going to hit the line and not allow it to reset.

I have moved Rend to a castsequence on Colossus Strike and have also slowed the macro from 100ms to 107ms. Yes i did go incremental for this and this was the best “acceptable” use i could find of it so it didnt overlap rend too much.

Sequences['AnotherArmsTest'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "3322322",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/castsequence [mod:shift,@player] Battle Cry, Bladestorm",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Warbreaker",
        "/cast Execute",
        "/castsequence Colossus Smash, Rend",
        "/cast Mortal Strike",
        "/cast Slam",

Good i Test it tomorrow iwas raiding today with your Macro allways over 1m dps max was 1.4m

Realy Not Bad

Test my execute Macro i allways use it at 20% Hits Hard ??? Maybe we can boost it

AnotherArmsTest macro is abit better on rend cd but if you are at low rage and CS comes up the rage goes down for rend and not for MS so its a dps waste maybe we need to setup CS,MS,rend on a castsquence?

works well for me with 100ms rend recast mostly at 3sec sometimes it runs out for 2 sec but no rage waste anymore

Sequences['AnotherArmsTest'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "3322322",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/castsequence [mod:shift,@player] Battle Cry, Bladestorm",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Warbreaker",
        "/cast Execute",
        "/castsequence Colossus Smash, Mortal Strike, Rend",
        "/cast Mortal Strike",
        "/cast Slam",

here is my burst macro can you put it in your rotation macro?

Sequences['New_Arms_Burst'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "1112123",
  Help = [[Revenger Burst]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Battle Cry",
        "/cast Warbreaker",
        "/cast [@player] Ravager",

I wilk give it a shot in free time which may not be until tomorrow since I just switched to night shift.

I am just over cautious on castsequences as they have the potential to lock up on that line since colossus smash and mortal strike are on a timed recharge of both 5+ seconds while Rend has a rage cost of 30/20 but I am willing to see how its changed and hopefully it can be a great macro :slight_smile:

You wouldn’t really need to add in the burst to the macro or even have it separate to the macro as it’s already there.

Charge>Activate Macro at target>Ctrl for Warbringer>Shift for BC+BS>let the rotation go

If you charge and activate the macro before or as part of the main macro or just as you get to the pack/mob you have the chance to drop Ravager on the floor somewhere else, there is no safety net for accidental activation

When you say ‘slowed the macro to 107ms’ you are referring to AHK correct? I’ve been using Synapse at 50ms…may have to up it (there is no difference between AHK and Synapse right?)

I’ve been casting Rend on its own button, I know that goes against the soul of this site but with a Weak Aura its the best way to get optimal uptime with max efficiency.