Ðarkramz's ST and AOE - converted to GSE 2.0 & 7.1.5

I’ve been using Ðarkramz’s macros even though the plugin hasn’t been updated for some time. Has anyone improved this, taken it to a new level of uberness?

Single Target:

Sequences['Fury_ST'] = {
  Talents = "2,3,3,3,3,3,3",
  Help = "GSE 2 adaptation from Ðarkramz's original",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy  [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [combat] Avatar",
        "/cast [combat] Battle Cry",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/cast Rampage",
        "/cast Bloodthirst",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/cast Raging Blow",
        "/cast Bloodthirst",
        "/cast Furious Slash",
        "/cast [combat] Rampage",


Sequences['Fury_AOE'] = {
  Talents = "2,3,3,3,3,3,3",
  Help = "GSE 2 adaptation from Ðarkramz's original",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy  [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [combat] Avatar",
        "/cast [combat] Battle Cry",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/castsequence Whirlwind, Rampage",
        "/castsequence Whirlwind, Bloodthirst",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/castsequence Whirlwind, Rampage",
        "/castsequence Bloodthirst, Whirlwind",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/cast [combat] Rampage",

so does this still work good in current patch?

hey any reports on what dps this is pulling

seems to be working Was getting discourage with Arms so im switching to fury

125 K with Item level 809. Works better than my current Arms and other fury rotation.

Havent tested AOE yet.

Please convert to GnomeSequencer Original until GSE is release ready with no bugs.

I assume the KeyPress and KeyRelease events are the same as Pre- and Post-Macro.

Deleted as posted in wrong section lol

Here is old GS Version:

Sequences["Fury_ST"] = {
/cast [combat] Avatar
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]reset=/target
[[/cast Odyn's Fury]],
[[/cast Rampage]],
[[/cast Bloodthirst]],
[[/cast Odyn's Fury]],
[[/cast Raging Blow]],
[[/cast Bloodthirst]],
[[/cast Furious Slash]],
/cast [combat] Rampage
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

Sequences["Fury_AoE"] = {
/cast [combat] Avatar
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]reset=/target
[[/cast Odyn's Fury]],
[[/castsequence Whirlwind, Rampage]],
[[/castsequence Whirlwind, Bloodthirst]],
[[/cast Odyn's Fury]],
[[/castsequence Whirlwind, Rampage]],
[[/castsequence Bloodthirst, Whirlwind]],
[[/cast Odyn's Fury]],
/cast [combat] Rampage
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

What should we set our macro speed for this? Mine is normally at 80-100 MS

Guys is there a way to put Execute into this? Because mobs die before I ever hit Execute lol, in both ST and AOE setups.
Let me know, thank you!

Let me update that for u ^^

Just need to do some digging… started playing again 4 weeks ago, haven’t done much other then gearing my chars up

[quote quote=50559]Let me update that for u ^^
Just need to do some digging… started playing again 4 weeks ago, haven’t done much other then gearing my chars up

You know what I’ve done? I put Execute at the very top, it does go off but since my warrior is not 110 yet I don’t know if it is working right or not. I did it for both macros st and aoe.
Let me know Dark what you are able to put together as soon as you can.
Thank you for your reply.

Hey, I think I managed to get an allmost perfect rotation on Single Target and Multi Target.

Please try it out, and give me some feedback on it :slight_smile:

Single Target

Sequences['FurySingle'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "Talents: 1/2, 3, 1/3, 3, 2, 3, 2",
  Helplink = "https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/fury-warrior-pve-dps-guide",
  Help = [[Tier 1 (Level 15) Talents:
Endless Rage; allows for higher rage generation than and is the best, most consistent choice on average. 
War Machine; is the best choice by far however if there are extra targets dying frequently enough to maintain the effect semi-consistently.

Tier 3 (Level 45) Talents:
Avatar; is the go to choice for single target or burst AoE fights that can make use of the increased damage effect's duration.
Wrecking Ball; is a good choice when constantly using Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind against multiple targets, particularly in dungeons.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [combat] Avatar",
        "/cast [combat,talent:7/1] Battle Cry; [combat,talent:7/2] Battle Cry",
        "/cast Furious Slash",
        "/cast Execute",
        "/castsequence [combat,talent:7/3] Dragon Roar, Battle Cry",
        "/cast [combat] Rampage",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/cast Raging Blow",
        "/cast [combat,talent:7/3] Dragon Roar",
        "/cast Bloodthirst",
        "/cast Execute",
        "/cast [combat] Rampage",

Multi Target

Sequences['FuryMulti'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "Talents: 1/2, 3, 1/3, 3, 2, 3, 2",
  Helplink = "https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/fury-warrior-pve-dps-guide",
  Help = [[Tier 1 (Level 15) Talents:
Endless Rage; allows for higher rage generation than and is the best, most consistent choice on average. 
War Machine; is the best choice by far however if there are extra targets dying frequently enough to maintain the effect semi-consistently.

Tier 3 (Level 45) Talents:
Avatar; is the go to choice for single target or burst AoE fights that can make use of the increased damage effect's duration.
Wrecking Ball; is a good choice when constantly using Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind against multiple targets, particularly in dungeons.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [combat] Avatar",
        "/cast [combat,talent:7/1] Battle Cry; [combat,talent:7/2] Battle Cry",
        "/castsequence [combat,talent:7/1] Bladestorm",
        "/cast Rampage",
        "/cast Bloodthirst",
        "/castsequence [combat,talent:7/3] Dragon Roar, Battle Cry",
        "/cast Rampage",
        "/castsequence Whirlwind, Bloodthirst",
        "/castsequence Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Bloodthirst",
        "/cast Whirlwind",
        "/cast Bloodthirst",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/cast [combat,talent:7/3] Dragon Roar",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/cast Bloodthirst",
        "/cast Bloodthirst",
        "/cast [combat] Rampage",

Good luck and have fun!


Awesome, will try it out soon, I just hope maybe there’s lvl 110 fury war that could try it for you since im not max level yet

[quote quote=50567]Sequences[‘FuryMulti’] = {
– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
Talents = “Talents: 1/2, 3, 1/3, 3, 2, 3, 2”,
Helplink = “Fury Warrior DPS Guide - Dragonflight 10.0.5 - World of Warcraft - Icy Veins”,
Help = [[Tier 1 (Level 15) Talents:
Endless Rage; allows for higher rage generation than and is the best, most consistent choice on average.
War Machine; is the best choice by far however if there are extra targets dying frequently enough to maintain the effect semi-consistently.

Tier 3 (Level 45) Talents:
Avatar; is the go to choice for single target or burst AoE fights that can make use of the increased damage effect’s duration.
Wrecking Ball; is a good choice when constantly using Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind against multiple targets, particularly in dungeons.]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast [combat] Avatar”,
“/cast [combat,talent:7/1] Battle Cry; [combat,talent:7/2] Battle Cry”,
“/castsequence [combat,talent:7/1] Bladestorm”,
“/cast Rampage”,
“/cast Bloodthirst”,
“/castsequence [combat,talent:7/3] Dragon Roar, Battle Cry”,
“/cast Rampage”,
“/castsequence Whirlwind, Bloodthirst”,
“/castsequence Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Bloodthirst”,
“/cast Whirlwind”,
“/cast Bloodthirst”,
“/cast Odyn’s Fury”,
“/cast [combat,talent:7/3] Dragon Roar”,
“/cast Odyn’s Fury”,
“/cast Bloodthirst”,
“/cast Bloodthirst”,
“/cast [combat] Rampage”,

844 Warrior alt in prot gear (have not done my weapon quest line so I have 12 points in Titanic power with none of the new traits unlocked)
Initial single target Burst is 1m+ (hits like a mother trucker) but quickly falls off. Settles in around 500k for a few seconds (10ish) then falls off again and settles in at ~300k for a 5 minute duration.
This looks like a lot of fun and works extremely well. I’ll take it for an lfr run and let you know the results. But so far I am impressed.

I tried it but at level 102… one word… “massacre”, being a pandaren female warrior gives it a very funny look and I love it. Thank you for a great work.
What I am going to do is keep Execute on a separate key bind just in case as well is in the macro.

you can always Mod Execute in the macro in the keypress section. /cast [combat, mod:alt] Execute

PS: you can change the Mod Key to anything you like “Alt, CTRL or Shift” i believe this is the correct format if not someone can correct me on it.

[quote quote=50639]you can always Mod Execute in the macro in the keypress section. /cast [combat, mod:alt] Execute
PS: you can change the Mod Key to anything you like “Alt, CTRL or Shift” i believe this is the correct format if not someone can correct me on it.

I am not a fan of mod keys, I’d rather have it assigned to a different single key.

[quote quote=50639]you can always Mod Execute in the macro in the keypress section. /cast [combat, mod:alt] Execute
PS: you can change the Mod Key to anything you like “Alt, CTRL or Shift” i believe this is the correct format if not someone can correct me on it.

Great suggestion! And true, however in terms of format: your first suggestion “/cast [combat, mod:alt] Execute” is 100% on point. When you refer to the modifiers later you use CAPS and I’m fairly sure that they need to be lower case. example: [mod:alt] [mod:ctrl] [mod:shift]

[quote quote=50665]

you can always Mod Execute in the macro in the keypress section. /cast [combat, mod:alt] Execute PS: you can change the Mod Key to anything you like “Alt, CTRL or Shift” i believe this is the correct format if not someone can correct me on it.

I am not a fan of mod keys, I’d rather have it assigned to a different single key. [/quote]

I would not say that I am a huge fan of modifiers per se… However, I do use them a lot in my macross and generally insert them into others macros that I import because I see the usefulness. I’m curious where the real dislike for modifiers stems from and I have a couple of theories:

Do you manually press the macro repeatedly or do you use a program like AHK or synapse to toggle on/off the macro?
Do you use a standard keyboard and re the modifier buttons just awkward for you to press?

I use a toggle on/off, and I use a razer Orb Weaver with Modifier keys [shift] [alt] [ctrl] bound down the left side so they are easily accessible to me, If I were manually pressing my way through the macro I would not use modifier keys because it would be redundant and require extra effort. I prefer the modifiers because with the toggle on/off the macro is burning through abilities at or very near to the GCD and it can be very difficult to slip a spell bound to another key in at exactly the moment that I want (I’ve found that some spells are better/worse than others), with it bound to a modifier I can fire spells with the precision that I want.

I don’t mean to hijack the thread but I’m just curious.

Hi, what I personally do is press macro and then release when let’s say I want to use interrupt. I used to do manual clicks but it put a strain on kb so I had to switch from that to just press and hold til I have to do something else. but maybe I dont know I could try and look into mod keys I’ve just never liked that idea.