Elemental 7.1.5 "2112333" ST/MT

I submit for your consideration my elemental macro. Set to 100ms spam. Appreciate feedbacks/improvements/criticisms

Weapon ilvl 900, character ilvl 881, about 376k dps on 5 mins run

Flaws : sometimes flame shock doesn’t go off in the start…

Notes : Be sure you didn’t keybind any ctrl,alt,shift to F1,F2,F3 or whatever keys you may be spamming…or those reactive portion of the macros with modifiers won’t work.

Changelog :
v1.0 - initial attempt
v1.1 - added reset=target for flame shocks, moved some spells from key-release section and added a flameshock there, hope it doesn’t recast too frequently. Re-prioritized lava burst to the front… hope it casts more now
v1.2 - added multi-target macro

Sequences['EleST'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.0.14.
  Author="The Hand of Guldan",
  Talents = "2112333",
  Help = "v1.1 | Elemental single target,Multiple modifiers | Ctrl=Flame Shock | Alt = Stormkeeper | Shift = Unload Frostshock",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/castsequence [mod:shift] Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Stormkeeper",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Flame Shock",
        "/castsequence [nomod] reset=target  Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst",
        "/cast [nomod] Lava Burst",
        "/cast [nomod] Fire Elemental",
        "/castsequence [nomod, nochanneling] Elemental Blast, Stormkeeper, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt",
        "/castsequence [nomod] Elemental Blast, Icefury, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock",
        "/castsequence [nomod] Flame Shock, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Earth Shock",
        "/cast [@cursor] Lightning Surge Totem",
        "/castsequence [nomod] reset=target  Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst",

Multi-target macro - note that its more effective using totem mastery/lightning rod. [you will have to manually drop totem mastery for now if you pick that talent, if lazy just pick earthern rage i guess]. This macro also tries to drop earthquake where your cursor is at all times… so point in the right direction. You can continue to use talent 2112333 but it just won’t be super good that’s all. Let me know how it works for you

Sequences['EleMT'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.0.14.
  Author="The Hand of Gul'dan",
  Talents = "3,1,1,2,3,1,1",
  Helplink = "https://wowlazymacros.com/forums/topic/elemental-7-1-5-2112333-st/",
  Help = "Talents - 3112311",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [@cursor] Lightning Surge Totem",
        "/cast [@cursor] Earthquake",
        "/cast [@cursor] Liquid Magma Totem",
        "/cast Stormkeeper",
        "/cast Elemental Blast",
        "/cast Chain Lightning",
        "/cast Fire Elemental",

Thank you for posting this!
I five box and this gave my team of 100k+ in dps!

iLvl around 860 was doing 200k using some other macros/specs and tested this and I’m now pulling over 300k so thank you again.

Several questions:

How would I go about fixing the issue of the macro that’s dragged to the bar not updating properly to the spell that’s currently up?

Also did GSE removed the option for macro to reset every target change?
I’m trying to solve the issue of this macro not putting a flame shock on new target or target change.

Thank you again for this awesome macro

Hi there!

First of all, I’m sad the macro gave you only 100k dps for five boxing even :frowning:
lol… I assume you’re talking about 1000k dps I hope.

As for your questions on updating to the spell - mine does this currently. Not sure what is your issue here hmmm
For your second question, I’ve updated the flame shock section above with a “reset=target”… it should now Flame Shock whenever you switch.

I gained 100K dps per shaman so that’s pretty good I thought :slight_smile:
Anychance of an AoE version too? :slight_smile:
I tried replacing the lightning bolt with chain lightning but doesnt seem as effective.
Thanks again!

Updated with my attempt at an AoE macro

wont seem to import properly saying it import but doesn’t show up

Are you running GSE 2.0.14? As that is there it was exported from

removed the help line worked

This is the working macro

Sequences['EleST'] = {
  Author="The Hand of Guldan",
  Talents = "2112333",
  Help = "v1.1 | Elemental single target,Multiple modifiers | Ctrl=Flame Shock | Alt = Stormkeeper | Shift = Unload Frostshock",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/castsequence [mod:shift] Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Stormkeeper",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Flame Shock",
        "/castsequence [nomod] reset=target  Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst",
        "/cast [nomod] Lava Burst",
        "/cast [nomod] Fire Elemental",
        "/castsequence [nomod, nochanneling] Elemental Blast, Stormkeeper, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt",
        "/castsequence [nomod] Elemental Blast, Icefury, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock",
        "/castsequence [nomod] Flame Shock, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Earth Shock",
        "/cast [@cursor] Lightning Surge Totem",
        "/castsequence [nomod] reset=target  Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst",

Thanks for that -fixed the original post to remove the multi line…

What dps are you getting on this at 110 and what ilvl are you im just leveling my shaman

Give this a try, it is just a edited one of above with no mod, but cast instead.

Sequences['EleST'] = {
  Author="The Hand of Guldan",
  Talents = "2112333",
  Helplink = "https://wowlazymacros.com/forums/topic/elemental-7-1-5-2112333-st/",
  Help = "v1.1 | Elemental single target,Multiple modifiers | Ctrl=Flame Shock | Alt = Stormkeeper | Shift = Unload Frostshock",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/castsequence [mod:shift] Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock",
        "/cast Stormkeeper",
        "/cast Flame Shock",
        "/cast Elemental Blast",
        "/castsequence [nomod] reset=target  Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst",
        "/cast [nomod] Lava Burst",
        "/cast [nomod] Fire Elemental",
        "/castsequence [nomod, nochanneling] Elemental Blast, Stormkeeper, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt",
        "/castsequence [nomod] Elemental Blast, Icefury, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock",
        "/castsequence [nomod] Flame Shock, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Earth Shock",
        "/cast [@cursor] Lightning Surge Totem",
        "/castsequence [nomod] reset=target  Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst",

Can assist focus be added?

Gave it a shot, but I can’t get it to beat out choco’s ascendance build

So that is with ascendance and not icefury?

I swapped my talents to mimic this and was a steady 280ishk with occasional drops to 240. Vs the ascendance track that held firm around 275 and burst up to 340k Current ilevel is 260.

Thanks will give it a try. I was using icefury currently

I love ST, its a good marco, but it stand something 1/2 sec without doing anything. but at 100mio DMG = 550k dps
ilvl 882 | weapon 893 | ranks: 37

testing MT too (at 1 dummy)
with talent 3-1-1-2-3-1-2 - its sick ! (300k dps @ 1mio dmg-> at 1 target :open_mouth: )
but it have a sick “burst” - 3,8m DPS at start :OOOO - woaw… its timed good ! (without hero, and still 1 dummy)

keep the good work up.

ok, still kinda new to the GS thing. but have 1 question. why 2 diffrent talents. it looks like you would constantely have to change your talents everytime you get into a MT situation and that would be costly and time consumeing. i probably not seeing something. this isnt the first post i see this on, i notice another of a diffrent author on a diffrent class did the same.

Does Mod:shift mean I have to set hotkeys for shift and shit? I don’t do hotkeys save for the ones set by blizzard. I’m here for lazy macros not involved macros.