Enhancement 6.0 Gnome Sequencer (Video Guide)

Hey everyone! I’ve made two macros for Enhancement. One for single target and one for AOE. For these to work properly, you’ll need the level 90 Primal Elementalist talent. The macros also use Liquid Magma.

For those who are having a hard time setting up macros in Gnome Sequencer, I have provided a download link to my sequences file.

Sequences file:


for me Flame Shock never goes off so i have to hit it but other then that works great (and that goes for both macros)

That’s really odd. Part of the reason why I make a video guide is to demonstrate that the macros are working. If you notice in the video, Flame Shock is going off on cue. Not that it’s not working for you, but I’m using the exact same macros and Flame Shock is going off.

[quote quote=21573]

<div class=“d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Matt wrote:</div>for me Flame Shock never goes off so i have to hit it but other then that works great (and that goes for both macros)

That’s really odd. Part of the reason why I make a video guide is to demonstrate that the macros are working. If you notice in the video, Flame Shock is going off on cue. Not that it’s not working for you, but I’m using the exact same macros and Flame Shock is going off. [/quote]

it may be because im not lvl 100 yet but still its a great macro

Matt, i am with some problems with these macros, first the Single target, only cast one time the feral wolfs, and the Aoe macro, put the fire totem and remove do you have an update for them?

Pretty good Macros! just started using it on my lvl 90 Shammy. IS there a reason why LB or CL isn’t in the macro for Maelstorm Weapon procs?