Feral DPS 8/30/17 - 7.3 Update

7.3 Updated Macro:
-Fixed Hang
-Updated Talents
-AHK is still the same 150ms timings
-Continuous Steady DPS
-One Size Fits all

Sequences['CatDPS'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.06.
  Talents = "2211121",
  Helplink = "https://wowlazymacros.com/forums/topic/feral-dps-72017-ahk-friendly/",
  Help = [[Talents: 2211121]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [noform:2] Cat Form",
        "/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl",
        "/castsequence reset=combat Rake, Thrash, Brutal Slash, Shred, Rip, Rake, Thrash, Shred",
        "/cast [combat] Berserk",
        "/cast [combat] Tiger's Fury",
        "/cast [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",
        "/console autounshift 0",
        "/cast Regrowth",
        "/console autounshift 1",

What do you set ms to in AHK?

[quote quote=50779]What do you set ms to in AHK?

Feral Energy Drainer

toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
Send {0}
sleep 150

Better on Your Energy

toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
Send {0}
random, delay, 150, 350
sleep, %delay%

i am getting some serious lulls with this macro as well as the AOE one. It burst just fine but if the fight extends it autoattacks but mind you i don’t use AHK(manual) any insight?

[quote quote=50864]i am getting some serious lulls with this macro as well as the AOE one. It burst just fine but if the fight extends it autoattacks but mind you i don’t use AHK(manual) any insight?

The macro itself does not lock up. What you’re seeing is depleted energy, which causes the druid to do nothing but auto attack. Unfortunately, this is the case right now with the feral druid and their talents, but in patch 7.3, this will get better or even possibly go away.
(assuming you imported the macro correctly and have the latest version of GSE 2.0)

Makes sure your talents are as follows:
Single: 2211322
Aoe: 2211323

The AutoHotkey setup balances out the energy consumption, making it lock up less and in fewer intervals.

If feral druids had attacks that cost 0 energy, this would be the bread and butter.

sorry was not saying anything negative about your macro but that explains a lot

575K DPS over 76.7 million damage to Raiders training dummy. iLevel 890, very nice work! thanks for the contribution, Feral has been abandoned lately hehe.
Edit: sigle target macro tested. It hit other test dummies a few times though.

Removed as got it working )

[quote quote=50912]

Sequences[‘ST_Feral’] = {– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03. Author=”Sandwich23″, SpecID=103, Talents = “2211122”, Help = [[SINGLE: 2211122Auto Hot Key Friendly]], Default=1, MacroVersions = { [1] = { StepFunction = “Sequential”, KeyPress={ “/cast [noform:2] Cat Form”, “/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl”, }, PreMacro={ }, “/castsequence reset=combat Rake, Thrash, Shred, Shred, Rip, Rake, Thrash, Shred, Savage Roar”, “/cast [combat] Ashamane’s Frenzy”, “/cast [combat] Berserk”, “/cast [combat] Tiger’s Fury”, PostMacro={ }, KeyRelease={ }, }, },}

never used autohotkey, can someone tell me how to set this up, heres what I have done but I think i’m doing it wrong. 1. Downloaded AHK 2. Created new script as above 3. Opened wow 4. created the above macro in GSE Here is where i’m stuck, what key does the macro need to go on….is it the 0 key? What is the toggle key to make AHK spam? is it ctrl and the number one key that contains ! [/quote]

When I created the script I through in random options as far as keys. The above AHK script shows the on/off key as left ctrl and the output key is 0. Place your macro on the 0 slot in wow and hit ctrl.

To turn off, hit ctrl again. To kill the AHK script process, press Numpad0

great micro keep up the great work

7.3 Update - 8/30/17

great macro buddy :slight_smile:
thank you ,

Great macro bro… But in AHK, how do I run the macro by holding the key instead of pressing once?

I was not able to find your AOE version… or is this both?

[quote quote=53060]Great macro bro… But in AHK, how do I run the macro by holding the key instead of pressing once?

Script for key holding.

toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle
	  sendinput, {0 down}
	  sendinput, {0 up}

[quote quote=53071]I was not able to find your AOE version… or is this both?
I ran the numbers and tried the combinations. Brutal slash still does more damage for single and aoe control tests and this macro should just be used for both situations.

hey im alittle new to this how do i set up a key for the AHK, sorry for asking a nooby quesiton.

Cool Thank you!! this macro is really awesome!!

Awesome macro! Why no Ferocious Bite use?

[quote quote=53110]Awesome macro! Why no Ferocious Bite use?

Ferocious Bite is best used with 5 combo points and the macro isn’t going to know when you have 5 combo points. Also, the macro will not know when Rip needs to be refreshed either because people using Ferocious Bite need to talent into that.

I’m confused with this macro as in the actual macro link you have Talents = “2211121”, but then later down in reply to someone you then say Makes sure your talents are as follows:
Single: 2211322
Aoe: 2211323

so which talents is it as you have contradicted yourself???