Fire in 7.1.5

Here’s one I made this morning. You need to keep your Pyroblast on a separate key for your procs but otherwise this should do fairly well. give it a try and let me know if any tweaks help.

Sequences['FizzleFire'] = {
  Talents = "2122112",
  Help = "Keep Pyroblast on a seperate key to watch for procs",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/assist [@focus]",
        "/targetenemy [noexists][noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Rune of Power",
        "/castsequence [no channeling] Combustion, Scorch",
        "/cast Phoenix's Flames",
        "/cast Living Bomb",
        "/cast [no channeling] Fire Blast",
        "/cast [no channeling] Fireball",
        "/cast Cinderstorm",
        "/cast Dragon's Breath",

Please let me know how it works for you!
Edited 1/19/2017
Changed talents, added assist at your focus target (if you don’t want you could just delete that line) and added living bomb to the rotation. If you want to use the talent Incanters flow instead of Rune of Power just change your talent, the macro will just act like Rune of Power doesn’t exist. I left it in there because Icy Veins and with my own testing show Rune of Power to be the biggest dps boost in that tier. :slight_smile:
and as always, let me know what you think!

Im not sure if it makes much difference but could you add an assist focus for targeting when in party? Another thing to add to the rotation somehow would be Living Bomb talent.

One other thing that i have noticed is rune of power comes up alot at the end of fights. Maybe switching it with flow of power (3rd talent of tier).

Why is there a 0 in the talents?

Im not for sure, but its probably not a relevant talent for this rotation. All 3 talents in that tier are great but they dont serve purpose with attacks. I just use the first on that gives me a passive speed boost.

Updated and added assist and living bomb.

I would like to add, for the pyroblast spell i made a macro for it. I tend to find myself mid cast of a spell when I notice i need to fire off a pyroblast. so this allows me to stop casting and do the instacast of pyroblast so i can continue on with the rotation sooner.

/cast pyroblast

This macro will stop casting what ever spell its in the middle of and cast pyroblast instead. Just copy and paste it in the blizzard macro page and link the “pyroblast” from your own spell book.
might be common knowledge for most people on here, but even if it helps 1 person it will be a success.

I added A mod to the pre macro for Pyroblast. I think this works better than /Stopcasting cuz the macro wont reset. I don’t know if all the changes to GS-E has made the /stopcasting keeps going with the sequence cuz I know there is an option of /reset target or combat on the new update. Thank you for the macro.

Sequences['FizzleFire'] = {
  Talents = "2122112",
  Help = "Keep Pyroblast on a seperate key to watch for procs",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/assist [@focus]",
        "/targetenemy [noexists][noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Pyroblast",


Edit* I do use a Naga mouse with Auto so I only need to look for those procs and press Alt.

any chance you can add the new Blazing Barrier into the macro please?

I have this macro running on auto hot key and im guessing its affecting the rotation because it doesnt genereate a ton of insta pyro procs- right now the delay is 80 ms, wondering if tweaking that would help?

I left Blazing barrier out because it’s easier to only hit it when you need it. Otherwise, it’s just wasting a GCD and mana when you wouldn’t be taking damage anyway.
I’m not sure what delay is best. I recommend tweaking it and see what you come up with. On my fire mage, it seems to proc quite often.

Hi and thank you for this macro. Currently still lvling my Mage and I have one issue with it so far. Why is Dragon’s Breath in there if it’s a melee ranged attack? Do you get something later on that makes it a range attack?

Thanks again.

No, Dragon’s Breath stays the same, I put it in there because it can be a dps increase as long as you are close enough to your mobs. You can always delete that line if you don’t want to use it. Depends on your playstyle.

Yeah… I barely find myself close to the mobs so I have removed it. Once you get your hands on Darckli’s Dragonfire Diadem increases Dragon’s Breath damage by 100% and ranged by 25 yards.

I changed your original one as rune of power and dragons breath cast in sequence which makes you looks like a n00b in groups, they are not on mod alt and ctrl.

Sequences['FizzleFire'] = {
  Talents = "2122112",
  Help = "Keep Pyroblast on a seperate key to watch for procs",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/assist [@focus]",
        "/targetenemy [noexists][noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Rune of Power",
        "/castsequence [no channeling] Combustion, Scorch",
        "/cast Phoenix's Flames",
        "/cast Living Bomb",
        "/cast [no channeling] Fire Blast",
        "/cast [no channeling] Fireball",
        "/cast Cinderstorm",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Dragon's Breath",

[quote quote=43844]I have this macro running on auto hot key and im guessing its affecting the rotation because it doesnt genereate a ton of insta pyro procs- right now the delay is 80 ms, wondering if tweaking that would help?

Try using something in the 1000-1500ms range for this instead of 80ms.