Flying serpent kick and roll one button

Trying to get this perfect but this is the best ive gotten so far.

#showtooltip Flying Serpent kick
/castsequence reset=14 Flying Serpent Kick,Flying Serpent kick,null
/castsequence reset=14 Roll,roll

will do both but always rolls after ending FSK. Any help would be appreciated.

this is not mine its Chris Webber’s macro with a tweak from me
try this

#showtooltip Flying Serpent Kick
/castsequence reset=0.3 Roll
/cast !Flying Serpent Kick

all you need to do is press the macro 3 times

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thanks ill try that.

I am having trouble with solo carry Ghunn. I use an xbox controller and I cant make the slight direction adjustment in time before I get frozen. Is there any way I can make a macro that in four presses it would torpedo, torpedo, turn ~20 degrees then FSK?

Is there any way I can make a macro that in four presses it would torpedo, torpedo, turn ~20 degrees then FSK?

Short answer: No.

You could set up a castsequence to use 4 spells, then 2 torpedos, but you can’t macro it turning for you. Macros are to help with your rotation, but they can’t play the game for you. That would get you banned from WoW.