General AHK Script w/ GUI

i was bored and annoyed that i have to Edit my AHK Scripts when i change chars, so i made this little script with a GUI that you can toggle.

Supported keys are 1-0 (non-Numpad),Q,E,R,F,^.
If you want some Keys to be added, you can do it yourself or ask me and if i got the time i will add them.
Each Key can be toggled to be repeated, and there’s an option to set the delay per Spec, per Class. You have to select the Spec manually but thats at least less effort that to edit the Script everytime.

The Script creates an Ini-File within the working directory to save the delays and other stuf.

Toggle the GUI with Ctrl + Numpad+
Reload the Script (in case something is not working, or got stuck) with Ctrl + Numpad-
Toggle the functionality of the Script with Ctrl + Numpad*

Source: Buttonmasher w/ GUI -
Exe (for people who dont want to install AHK): Dropbox - WoWGUI.exe - Simplify your life

maybe someone finds this useful

btw dunno if this is even allowed here xD

#ifWinActive World of Warcraft ; Only run if window ‘World of Warcraft’ is active
$E:: ; If e is pressed
$^E:: ; If e+control is pressed
$+E:: ; If e+shift is pressed
$!E:: ; If e+alt is pressed
Loop ; If any of the above is true then loop below
if not GetKeyState(“E”, “P”) ; If E is not pressed then break the loop
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”) ; If left control is pressed then send control+e
Send ^e
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”) ; If left shift is pressed then send shift+e
Send +e
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”) ; If left alt is pressed then send alt+e
Send !e
Send e ; If e is pressed with no other modifiers send e
sleep 80 ; Time in milliseconds between key repeats