GnomeSequencer Marksman macro

Here is the macro i made which seems to work great.

local _, Sequences = ... -- Don't touch this

Sequences['Marks'] = {
'/cast A Murder of Crows',
'/cast Chimaera Shot',
'/cast Kill Shot',
'/cast Glaive Toss',
'/cast Aimed Shot',
'/cast Steady Shot',
'/cast Rapid Fire',
Sequences['Marks AoE'] = {
'/cast A Murder of Crows',
'/cast Chimaera Shot',
'/cast Kill Shot',
'/cast Glaive Toss',
'/cast Multi Shot',
'/cast Steady Shot',
'/cast Rapid Fire',

I have downloaded the gnomesequencer addon but not sure how to add the macros into it is it copy and paste like macro toolkit
Sorry to be looking stupid but have tried and on his home page i could not make heads or tails about it

Thank you in advance for any help you could give me and the community

Follow the instructions on the wow interface or gnome sequencer information. Once you do that and install the Haddon, all you have to do is create a macro named Marks or whatever you choose the spell name to be. From there put it on your action bar and spam it. Seems to have worked for me.

Only thing is I’m going to open a ticket and see if this is allowed, i don’t want to use a new addon and all of a sudden get banned for being a bot lol… i’ll update once I get feedback from a CM.

I’d love to see what they say, Dimi. Report what you can, when you can, and Thanks!

Unfortunately, I did not get an adequate answer. Here’s what they said:

"Hello there!

I’m afraid we will not be able to approve of or recommend against the use of any particular addons. It is up to you to determine what is usable within the Terms of Use. If there is any question as to whether something is okay to use or not, it would be best if you did not use it to avoid any problems.

Thank you for your patience, and if you have any other questions, please let us know!"

Wait a whole day for that! LoL!

I’m going to hold off on using it for a while and check back after WoD starts to see if it’s still around. Thanks for the macro tho, works amazingly for me. I’m just too worried about losing my Account to use it with the alternatives I have.

Thank you.


Whether or not the mod actually gets continued into WoD and beyond I cannot say.

But as stated by Blizzards ToS, any programs that alter protected LUA functions are illegal, all others they couldn’t give a flying fuck about (You can even have the PR addons installed, active, and you’re fine. It’s when you start using scripts that use Protected Lua functions they ban you)

So don’t fret, they can’t ban you for an Addon, if they do it’s just as easy to complain and get your account back since you weren’t doing anything against the ToS.

Anyway, gonna go post my version of this now.