GS-E 7.0.3 DPS Macro for Atonement healing

Couldn’t find a nice clean Disc DPS macro that worked well so I made my own: Keep Purge the wicked, Halo, Shadowfiend, and lights wrath on separate key bindings for maximum effectiveness. Let me know what you guys think :slight_smile:

Sequences['MYmacro'] = {
author="Thedemon@Bleeding Hollow",
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 3211131",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast Schism",
"/cast Power Word: Solace",
"/cast [nochanneling] Penance",
"/cast Smite",
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Purge The Wicked Macro:

/targetenemy [noharm]
/cast Purge The Wicked

Running fine for me. I would like to try some dungeons with this, but beforehand is it possible to keep with this one button macro and just add a target mouseover command?

What I want is to just keep this macro spamming and if I see the tank or other player getting hit/low health, I would like to just move my mouse to that person and pop a shield or radiance onto them.
Is that possible? Would it be a line in the premacro?

/castsequence [nochanneling,target=mouseover,help][]Power Word: Shield,

Something like the above?
As a noob to this program, how does the mouseover work? do you mouseover the players portrait? the green raid bar in the blizzard raid frame?
Or is it just not possible when the macro has lots of /casts in it. You have either a /cast macro or a /castsequence macro, you cant have both in one?

Many thanks for any feedback