gse - 7.0.3

single target

Sequences['AFF1'] = {
specID = 265,
author = "pup",
helpTxt = "Talent´s - 2111313",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead],
/petautocastoff [group] Seethe
/petautocaston [nogroup] Seethe
/petautocastoff [group] Burning Presence
/petautocaston [nogroup] Burning Presence
'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target/5 Agony, Siphon Life, Corruption, Drain Life, Life Tap',
'/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction',
PostMacro = [[
/petattack [@target,harm]
/cast [combat] Blood fury

3 targets, cycle through targets after corruption is up
Id recommend the addon enemy grid to keep track of dots

Sequences['AFF3'] = {
specID = 265,
author = "pup",
helpTxt = "Talent´s - 2111313",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead],
/petautocastoff [group] Seethe
/petautocaston [nogroup] Seethe
/petautocastoff [group] Burning Presence
/petautocaston [nogroup] Burning Presence
'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target/5 Agony, Siphon Life, Corruption, null',
'/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction',
PostMacro = [[
/petattack [@target,harm]
/cast [combat] Blood fury

I might mess with absolute corruption, its the only way i can see seed working correctly in a macro for more than 4 targets. Right now just using it on a separate keybind.

ilvl 682 getting 27k on full fight (dreadbringer valus) healers don’t look like locks will need heals :wink:

Any way this could the converted to a mouseover macro for the Aff3? I’m completely new here, but of all the attempts at making macros in game, involving Mod:Alt and @Mouseover, I have been ripping my hair out. This changes that.
Amazing, by the way.

Sequences['AFF3'] = {
specID = 265,
author = "pup",
helpTxt = "Talent´s - 2111313",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead],
/target [mod:alt,@mouseover,harm,nodead,exists]
/petautocastoff [group] Seethe
/petautocaston [nogroup] Seethe
/petautocastoff [group] Burning Presence
/petautocaston [nogroup] Burning Presence
'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target/5 Agony, Siphon Life, Corruption, null',
'/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction',
PostMacro = [[
/petattack [@target,harm]
/cast [combat] Blood fury
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

if you want just a mouseover without the pet running all around you need it in the castsequence

Sequences['AFF3'] = {
specID = 265,
author = "pup",
helpTxt = "Talent´s - 2111313",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead],
/petautocastoff [group] Seethe
/petautocaston [nogroup] Seethe
/petautocastoff [group] Burning Presence
/petautocaston [nogroup] Burning Presence
'/castsequence [nochanneling,mod:alt,@mouseover,harm,nodead,exists] reset=target/5 Agony, Siphon Life, Corruption',
'/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction',
PostMacro = [[
/petattack [@target,harm]
/cast [combat] Blood fury
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Much appreciated man!! I can control the pet on a separate keybind if need be. Thanks!

seems marcro’s dont work

Looks as though the mouseover variant does not work. I like the style of this macro. I could just continue to use the basic two, and leave the mouseover to other macros. :slight_smile: Unless you have a way for it to work. I don’t see why it wouldn’t.

can someone plzz fix the top 2 macros to where can copy n paste it in gnomesq plz n ty

Are you using GS-E? They copied fine for me.

I am using GS-E and not working :frowning: macro doesn’t show up :S