Help with WoW script

Hello, im using script below for gaming, but i have problem with excluding modifier-key combination. I want to keep for example key “e” active, but exclude combination “ctrl + e”. Is it possible? Thank you in advance for your help.

; To add a new key to the script, add it to this array:
key_list := ["3", "e", "r", "q"]

; Init lookup array for modifiers
modifiers := {LAlt: 0, LShift: 0, LCtrl: 0}

; Build lookup array, declare hotkeys
keys := {}
keys_modded := {}
Loop % key_list.MaxIndex(){
	key := key_list[A_Index]
	; init array values
	keys[key] := 0
	keys_modded[key] := 0
	; Declare hotkeys for up and down events
	hotkey, $*%key%, keydown
	hotkey, $*%key% up, keyup

Loop {
	; Endless loop - always running
	for key, value in keys {
		; Loop through each of the keys
		if (value){
			; If the key is held...
			; Detect if any modifiers held
			if (modifiers.LAlt || modifiers.LCtrl || modifiers.LShift){
				modifier_held := 1
			} else {
				modifier_held := 0

			; Build the list of modifiers to use for the send
			s := ""
			if (modifiers.LAlt){
				s .= "!"
			if (modifiers.LShift){
				s .= "+"
			if (modifiers.LCtrl){
				s .= "^"
			; Send the key with the modifiers
			Send % s "{" key "}"
	Sleep 1

; Any of the "keys" (ie not modifiers) being pressed will call this
	key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,3)
	keys[key] := 1

; Any of the "keys" being released will call this
	key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,3)
	; Remove " up" from end
	key := substr(key, 1, StrLen(key) - 3)
	keys[key] := 0
	keys_modded[key] := 0

; Modifiers
    mod := substr(A_ThisHotkey, 4)
    modifiers[mod] := 1

$~*LAlt up::
$~*LCtrl up::
$~*LShift up::
    mod := substr(A_ThisHotkey, 4)
    ; Remove " up" from end
    mod := substr(mod, 1, StrLen(mod) - 3)
    modifiers[mod] := 0

; Quit script on Escape
;*** Suspend AHK ***
