HOW TO- Leading Zero Replacement - Swap Bar Macro Help

I wanted to bring this post back into the light. I see more and more people asking about the swap bar method and this is a fantastic break down by MJ . the original is located in the forums under how to’s

Hope this helps everyone and eases the confusion many are suffering …lol :slight_smile:

I also am finding that the way macro’s are going to have to be made is this way from now on and that it appears to be a 3 line coding…

(main castsequence) /castsequence blah blah blah

( secondary spell ) /cast /use Blah

(third spell) /cast /use Blah

(additional lines target/ swap etc) /startattack

anything more then this and it seems to lock the macro’s up or fails to fire that spell. The key im finding with the macro’s i have written for 6.0 so far is to really pay attention to they type of Spell and CD it has. Try to place your buffs across all the action-bar swaps if possible, if you cant do it in the usual 3 go ahead and make that fourth bar a buff bar for yourself and incorporate some other CD’s in the main rotation bars.

example’s from my Feral Build

Bar 1
/targetenemy [noharm,dead]
/castsequence reset=target Shred,Shred,Shred,Rip,Rake,Shred,Shred,Shred,Shred,Savage Roar,Rake,Shred,Faerie Fire,Shred,Shred,Shred,Rip,Rake,Shred,Faerie Fire,
/swapactionbar 1 2

Bar 2

/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl
/castsequence [stealth,nocombat]reset=target Rake
/swapactionbar 2 3
/cast [combat]Tiger’s Fury
/cast [combat]Berserk
/cast [combat] Skull Bash


/console autounshift 0
/use [@player,combat] Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1
/cast [nostance:2] Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/swapactionbar 3 1
/cast [combat] Survival Instincts

just wounding if any 1 could make a YouTube video to help this noob im thick plz plz plz help

[quote quote=16079]just wounding if any 1 could make a YouTube video to help this noob im thick plz plz plz help

I never made a video b4 but im sure i could give it a try :slight_smile: i got the basics needed to do so … give me some time and i will see what i can come up with :slight_smile:

This is great, thanks Brad! I’d like to know what your old leading zero macros were, to get an idea for how you’ve substituted them. I’m going to try to replace this excellent macro from Marc:

#showtooltip Howling Blast
/cast [mod:shift] Mind Freeze
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Obliterate
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Howling Blast
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,!Frost Strike
/castsequence reset=10 Plague Strike, Plague Leech,Raise Dead
/cast [combat] Empower Rune Weapon
/cast [combat] Pillar of Frost
/cast [combat] Anti-Magic Shell

And I guess the translation would be something like this? (removing any situational stuff for legibility):

/castsequence reset=10 Plague Strike, Plague Leech
/cast Empower Rune Weapon
/swapactionbar 1 2

/cast !Frost Strike
/cast Pillar of Frost
/swapactionbar 2 3

/cast Howling Blast
/cast Anti-Magic Shell
/swapactionbar 3 4

/cast Obliterate
/swapactionbar 4 1

[quote quote=16134]This is great, thanks Brad! I’d like to know what your old leading zero macros were, to get an idea for how you’ve substituted them. I’m going to try to replace this excellent macro from Marc:

#showtooltip Howling Blast
/cast [mod:shift] Mind Freeze
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Obliterate
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Howling Blast
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,!Frost Strike
/castsequence reset=10 Plague Strike, Plague Leech,Raise Dead
/cast [combat] Empower Rune Weapon
/cast [combat] Pillar of Frost
/cast [combat] Anti-Magic Shell

And I guess the translation would be something like this? (removing any situational stuff for legibility):

/castsequence reset=10 Plague Strike, Plague Leech
/cast Empower Rune Weapon
/swapactionbar 1 2

/cast !Frost Strike
/cast Pillar of Frost
/swapactionbar 2 3

/cast Howling Blast
/cast Anti-Magic Shell
/swapactionbar 3 4

/cast Obliterate
/swapactionbar 4 1


If it works anything like it did for my enhance shaman, you should be able to keep all of your /casts on macro 1 as well. But, theoretically, you’ve got it!

Great, thanks. I did wonder that, but I may have to spread them out to get them to fit until/unless Macro Toolkit gets updated for 6.0.

Try KayrMacro from KayrMacro - Advanced Macros and Expanded Storage : Utility Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns

Works well enough for me!