Internal Loop Example?


Could you give us a working example of a macro with an Internal Loop? I’d like to incorporate one and test it out to see how it works that way I can start trying to optimize some of the one’s that I’m currently using now.

You mean like this post?

Thank you.

In your example:


Does the “looplimit=5” mean that it will repeat steps 2-5 five times? In your previous example you have Interations.

I guess I need an explanation of:


I thought I had an idea but I keep getting “I am at the very end reset” spammed in my chat box.

loopstart - the line number within the body of your sequence where your internal loop starts.
loopstop - the line number within the body of your sequence where your internal loop stops.
looplimit - how many times to do your loop.
loopiter - internal count of where your loop is up to.

If you don’t have a loop limit it will stay in the loop until the end of combat.

Sequences['MM_ST_OP'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 1113121",
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nochanneling, combat] Trueshot
"/cast [nochanneling] Windburst",
"/cast [nochanneling] Marked Shot",
"/cast [nochanneling] Aimed Shot",
"/cast [nochanneling, talent:6/1] A Murder of Crows; [nochanneling, talent:6/2] Barrage",
"/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/1] Sidewinders; [nochanneling, talent:7/2] Arcane Shot; [nochanneling, talent:7/3] Arcane Shot",

Getting odd error:

Invalid step assigned by custom step sequence MM_ST_OP 6

Hi Sean,

Hadronox has been working with me sorting a few logic errors out. Could you try this again with the 1.5 Beta that is available on Curse?

I am getting same error.

Best I can tell it happens when it steps to 6. Which obviously since their is only 5 macros means it needs to reset the count back to 1. That seems like the normal logic of the addon.

If I understand the loop mechanic. My rotation should end up something like

  1. Windburst (30 focus, 20 sec CD)
  2. Marked shot (30 focus, requires proc)
  3. Aimed Shot (50 focus unless LnL proc then free and instant)
  4. Marked shot (30 focus, requires proc)
  5. Aimed Shot (50 focus unless LnL proc then free and instant)
  6. Marked Shot (30 focus, requires proc)
  7. Aimed Shot (50 focus unless LnL proc then free and instant)
  8. Barrage (50 focus, 20 sec CD)
  9. Sidewinders (Builds 50 focus + 10 focus/second For marks, Every 10.1 seconds)

The reason for the 3 loop is it allows me not to miss Marked Shot procs and get a full Lock and Load proc off. And at worse I spam Aimed shot til I am out of focus during vulnerability. This generally, keeps Windburst, Barrage and Sidewinders on CD.

The stuff i worked through last night - it shouldn’t be getting to 6 it should be resetting back to 1 after you have gotten to 5

I’m getting the “Invalid step assigned by custom step sequence…” error. I have updated to 1.5 also.

So, if I comment out the line temporarily for the print. Until you get that sorted out. I was running 90% efficient according to CheckMyWoW. That is without it really knowing how to deal with procs. I really wish your proc test would have worked. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it possible for a Weakaura to save a variable? And for GS to read a file for a variable and set the step according to that? Yeah, I know… I am reaching.