is there a way to set a reset condition on GS or GS-E?

Hello guys, im kinda n00bish writing macros, I recently returned to the game and made a new monk brew character, I know that already exists macros for that class but I want to learn to write my own GS macros. my question is: is there a way to set a reset condition on GS or GS-E? and I don’t mean the cast sequence reset but I want to reset the whole GS macro when im out of combat or a certain time passed.

thanks in advance

Theres not an explicit way. I have logged this here Create a way to Reset a GS macro · Issue #32 · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler · GitHub and will see what I can do.

[quote quote=31139]Theres not an explicit way. I have logged this here and will see what I can do.

ahh ok thanks


may i understand this as follows:

in a castsequence would NOT work at all?

Thanks and good job!

From what i understand resets are ignored and not working as intended.

GS will just fire off when the skill is available regardless of if you set it to say reset=combat/20 it will fire off at 10 seconds if it’s available at that time

[quote quote=31137](chop chop chop) whole GS macro when im out of combat or a certain time passed.
thanks in advance

there are three ways to reset a macro. combat, #, target. Each cast/castsequence line in the GS lua is a macro.

If you are fighting mob/s, combat will carry over until whatever you are fighting is dead. personally I normally only use this in AOE macros.

the # is the amount of seconds since the last click. 5 would be 5 seconds since last click then reset.

Target ( i tend to use this for stacking energies like rogues.) means when you switch a target it resets the macro.

If you have multiple cast lines you would need to add the reset modifier per cast/castsequence line. also click the link for cast on this page as it will provide more options that work with castsequence as well.

Not to be pessimistic about it but i can’t think of a way for GSE to get around bliz and reset the macro when bliz drives the combat timers and macro reactions.

Thanks Keilme,
the question was if GSE uses those reset= part at all or just ignore it.

Crude as this may seem, not intended that way. For simplicity; GSE is a fancy button pusher. It should use the reset=# within the macro if you are not clicking.

Take /castsequence reset=2 keg smash,Elusive Brew’,
KS being 1 EB being 2
If i continually spam that macro it will do 121212121212121…
If i do; mash mash mash wait 2 sec mash it will do 1211…

these two are other actions. Does not matter if you are clicking gs macro or not.

If you click or tab to another target and use reset=target it will reset the macro.

If you lose your combat status reset=combat would reset the macro.

However, there is a StepFunction. I do not know what resets that. If you are not using the StepFunction, then would it would be the macro’s defined reset=? variable.

[quote quote=31483]

(chop chop chop) whole GS macro when im out of combat or a certain time passed. thanks in advance

there are three ways to reset a macro. combat, #, target. Each cast/castsequence line in the GS lua is a macro. If you are fighting mob/s, combat will carry over until whatever you are fighting is dead. personally I normally only use this in AOE macros. the # is the amount of seconds since the last click. 5 would be 5 seconds since last click then reset. Target ( i tend to use this for stacking energies like rogues.) means when you switch a target it resets the macro. If you have multiple cast lines you would need to add the reset modifier per cast/castsequence line. also click the link for cast on this page as it will provide more options that work with castsequence as well. Not to be pessimistic about it but i can’t think of a way for GSE to get around bliz and reset the macro when bliz drives the combat timers and macro reactions. [/quote]


The only sure fire way that i know of making GS:E reset back to the start at the end of fights etc is to do a /reload or /console reloadui.

Doubt you want to be doing that all the time though :confused:

If you want to start with a specific ability put [combat] in all the other lines, it should skip any thing till it gets to the one you want.