JBA Demon Hunter request - 2323323 – no Felrush and Vengeful Retreat

This is what i have come up with for now for what was requested.

I have, as the title states, removed Felrush and Vengeful Retreat from that macro as that was what was asked since it’s going to be done manually.

If you’d like to add Meta to the macro, place it above Nemesis.

Sequences['DeathDealer'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Talents = "2323323",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm,dead]",
        "/cast [@player] Metamorphosis",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Nemesis",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Nemesis",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Blade Dance",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Demon's Bite",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam",

Use this with manual pressing or within your GCD… average for this would be 1250 to 1450 so you don’t skip any skills.

Hello Cymiryc

ty for the macro ill looking forward to use it, 1 qustion I see that Fury of the Illidari is not in the macro, if where to put it in there, where would i put it? :slight_smile:


It’s on a 1 minute cooldown, you could place it under the first Felblade cast and again under the 2nd Nemesis cast further down.

Not sure how this build “should” perform as it was about a full 169K under performing from another build 3322333 but using Fel Rush which somehow reaches around 730k DPS

Ok ill try it out ty :slight_smile:

I have reworked it a little bit to add in better Fury of the Illidari, made changes to Eye Beam so it will no longer clip. You may/will have to manually hit Felblade on proc… i can’t always account for that so you may end up going slightly out of sequence.

If you’d prefer to take Meta out that would be fine too.

Hello Cymiryc

Ty ill try it later to day, ty so much for your help:)
can i ask, what would you aim for regarding crit, haste and mastery?


Do you use AHK for this macro?

Mind helping me out with creating a macro?

will this work on normal gse my macros still work but as of patch they won’t throw glaive anymore

i am unable to get the /cast [@player] Metamorphosis to cast in this macro and i Push button self no Ahk

its a bug

Yeah seems there is an issue (not been able to test it myself since i have no interwebs at home) where certain skills will not work.

Supposedly you have to switch to Vengeance and back again

Heya Cymiryc

I was wondering if you can make me a macro with talents 2 2 1 3 3 1 1?
There are almost none for that spec.
With VR and FR in it if can be done in one sentence.
And Nemesis and Meta in it.
This is a very hard to find Macro dont think anyone made one here before.
If it helps making the macro roll better inc demons bite. cause i am still not sure if i keep Demon Blades.
Btw i added Mockery in game to ask you some stuff but i havent seen you online at Saurfang.

Greets Keed/Drecavak

I have the macro a little changed to get more dps, Throw Glaive I use by hand because of the bug. My stats are:
Crit: 48.91%
Haste: 12.65%
Mastery: 34.21%
Vers: 2.94%

Item Lvl 901, legi Anger of the Half-Giants and Kil’jaeden’s Burning Wish.

Sequences['DeathDealer'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Talents = "222*311",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm,dead]",
        "/cast [combat] Chaosklingen",
        "/cast [combat] Nemesis",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Bladedance",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Chaos Strike",
        "/cast Fury of the Illidari",
        "/cast Felblade",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam",

Excuse…In this macro Of yours,How do o use It? Just smash the Button like no forever or what? Pretty New to this

[quote quote=47014]Excuse…In this macro Of yours,How do o use It? Just smash the Button like no forever or what? Pretty New to this

Welcome! yeah most of these macros on this site can be mashed (as fast as you can click the button) or some use the functions on there gaming keyboards or mouse.Others might @ there own risk use AHk (auto hot key) which is a auto mouse clicker that may or maynot be against WoWs Terms of service.

So have you downloaded GSE2 ?

Macros are all different. Some are aimed to be used faster than you can click, others are used if you click the button quick as inhumanly possible, others are used within the GCD or can be pressed manually every second or so when the skills become available.

I aim mine to be the latter so you can click slow or relaxed.
Works for some, others feel it’s too slow but may be their perception.
But in all cases Your Mileage May Vary depending on your gear and artifact traits unlocked.

As Johnny mentioned, you will need to download Gnomesequencer first (can be found on Curse). Once it’s installed type /gs followed by import. Highlight the text (use Chrome or FF as IE can cause import issues) copy it and paste it into the box while checking Create Macro Icon at the bottom. Once it’s made drag the ? icon to your action bar and then mash the buttom from there.

Yep, I already have gs2. I was Just concerned on How to use It, smash It or not. Thanks for the explanation, guys!