Legion Demon Single Target

I created this macro to ensure it couldn’t lock up. It’s set up using GS-Enhanced.
I cycled it for quite some time on training dummies and invasions, it’s really not possible to lock up due to the priority system. It may be casting Empowerment slightly less often than is ideal, and it will occasionally overfill with shards requiring a hardcast of Hand of Gul’dan, but that will almost never happen in real world usage with target switching and fight movement etc…

Hand of Gul recasts with every new target just to ensure there is a stack of doom up for your floating eye to shoot at.

Sequences['DemonDPS'] = {
helpTxt = "Talents: 2211221",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
"/castsequence [combat] reset=target Hand of Gul'dan, null, ",
"/castsequence [combat] Call Dreadstalkers, Hand of Gul'dan, Demonic Empowerment, Life Tap, ",
"/cast [combat] Shadowflame",
"/cast [combat] Grimoire: Felguard",
"/cast [combat] Summon Doomguard",
"/cast [combat] Command Demon",
"/castsequence [nopet,nomounted] Summon Felguard, Life Tap, ",
"/cast [combat] Summon Darkglare",
"/cast Shadow Bolt",

Hi, I like the macro but I have one problem, when using razer macro program to spam it while I hold down a key, it works well but will D/C me from WoW after 10-15 seconds, and I use the same macro program and speed with other GS-E macros and have no issue, any ideas?

Not sure, I repeat my button presses on a 60ms delay, I’m not sure there’s any gain to spamming faster than that and I haven’t had any disconnection issues.

Hi David/Treacle,

I hope you don’t mind me posting this as i have slightly altered what you pasted above and came out with a different macro based on yours.

I ended up putting the Derpasaurus, erm Darkglare a little higher up on the priority and now fires a second or two from cooldown. Demonic Empowerment now nearly fires off after each new summon to help the pets do a little more damage.

What i find from every single Demo macro is there is ALWAYS a period of about 2/3 seconds where Warlocks just stands scratching their behinds regardless of how many shards they have. In this case it’s a little after the Doomlord and before the next Dreadstalkers but i don’t know what causes it.

This appears to be very mana/health efficient too.

Sequences['Demon1'] = {
helpTxt = "Talents: 2211221",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm,exists]
/cast [nopet] Summon Felguard,
[[/castsequence [combat] reset=target Hand of Gul'dan, null]],
[[/castsequence [combat] Call Dreadstalkers, Hand of Gul'dan]],
[[/castsequence [combat] Summon Darkglare, Demonic Empowerment]],
[[/castsequence [combat] Demonic Empowerment, Call Dreadstalkers, Shadow Bolt, Life Tap]],
[[/cast [combat] Shadowflame]],
[[/cast [combat] Grimoire: Felguard]],
[[/cast [combat] Summon Doomguard]],
[[/cast [combat] Command Demon]],
[[/castsequence [combat] Shadow Bolt, Demonic Empowerment]],
[[/cast Shadow Bolt]],

Also i have attempted target switching to throw off the macro a little and there is very little to no pause or issues seen.

Whats the expected DPs from this macro?