Let's share our "secret" macros since 6.0 will nullify them anyway! I'll go..

I have some for most classes, and here are a couple I posted today:



I multi-box up to six accounts, so you may notice the emphasis on mine, are to make them as lazy as possible, including self buffs, pet summoning, etc. If I am posting one, it’s because it pulls off some impressive numbers and results. Also in case you multi-box, these work marvelously there too

Gonna share my Warlock Dark Apotheosis macro soon. Many would say it’s not possible to make a lazy one of those, but I did :slight_smile:

Anyone else care to share their really good ones?!

They will not be Nullified in 6.0

in the current state of beta certain macros are disabled to ensure they do not create any extra bugs or make beta harder to determine what is a actual bug or bad scripting .

when the beta is closer to release they will allow more addon’s and scripting . Macros are a big part of strategic gameplay its not automation and it does not violate the game TOS or EULA .

please be patient you’ll be spamming that 1 key very soon.

That made me lol.

Agreement with Michael on this one. I’ve talked to Blizzard already about this, certain addons like BigWigs and DBM work for the beta, but not the full thing. This is because their is code that has been disabled.

Right now, most macro code works minus the leading zero ways. Also the /script UIErrorFrames () doesn’t work either. Neither do the Sound FX to 0 and 1.

Anything within the LUA code that has /script in front won’t work in the current build. Raid testing has started, but I am assuming the next build will allow for some scripts to go in.

Also note, what Blizzard posts on their site is delayed by a good 5 days. For example, the face thing was found on beta over 3 weeks ago they just posted it last week.

I think Chris means that all classes will loose a lot of their abilities due to the pruning. So expect the macroes to have a lot of lines not working once 6.0 hits.