Macro broke overnight

Hi TimothyLuke. Did you release an update this morning? For some reason between raids last night and now, my very simple macro that I have broke and doesn’t work and I can’t figure out why. It’s only this specific macro, my AE macro works just fine.

Here it is

		["SolaDemonOpener"] = {
			["Talents"] = "3111222",
			["Default"] = 2,
			["Author"] = "Solgarious@Dalaran",
			["SpecID"] = 266,
			["MacroVersions"] = {
					"/cast Grimoire: Felguard", -- [1]
					"/cast Felstorm", -- [2]
					"/cast Demonbolt", -- [3]
					"/cast Summon Doomguard", -- [4]
					["KeyRelease"] = {
					["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
					["Target"] = true,
					["PostMacro"] = {
					["PreMacro"] = {
					["KeyPress"] = {
						"/petautocastoff [group] Threatening Presence", -- [1]
						"/petautocaston [nogroup] Threatening Presence", -- [2]
						"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [3]
						"/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Felguard", -- [4]
				}, -- [1]
					"/cast Grimoire: Felguard", -- [1]
					"/cast Felstorm", -- [2]
					"/cast Demonbolt", -- [3]
					"/cast Summon Doomguard", -- [4]
					["KeyRelease"] = {
					["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
					["Target"] = true,
					["KeyPress"] = {
						"/petautocastoff [group] Threatening Presence", -- [1]
						"/petautocaston [nogroup] Threatening Presence", -- [2]
						"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [3]
						"/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Felguard", -- [4]
					["PreMacro"] = {
					["PostMacro"] = {
				}, -- [2]

Any ideas what happened?

Much Appreciated

2.0.12 is broken. Adding an issue on GitHub so TimothyLuke gets alerted.

Thanks Scotus, must not be totally broken though, most of my stuff works. Let me know if I can help provide any data.

There is something happening with Reset=Target - if you turn that option off for your macro it will behave again.

@Solan take out line 15 and line 35.

(It’s a combination of the fix for this going in last night and a change from the rolling restart. )