Macro Not Firing Avenging Wrath (Help Please)

Sequences[‘PC1_Boss’] = {
Talents = “2,2,3,1,1,2,2”,
Help = “Protection Boss macro - 2231122”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Sequential”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast [combat] Hand of the Protector”,
“/cast [combat] Blessed Hammer”,
“/cast Judgment”,
“/cast [combat] Consecration”,
“/cast Avenger’s Shield”,
“/cast [combat] Blinding Light”,
“/cast Shield of the Righteous”,
“/cast [combat] Eye of Tyr”,
“/castsequence [combat] Seraphim, Bastion of Light”,
“/cast [combat] Avenging Wrath”,

P.s. I tried to move the spell into the middle of the macro too, it still refuses to fire; along with Bastion of Light.

remove the combat before it, and it should work fine i just tested it

and remove all combat prefix cuz hammer wont fire also

Sequences['ProtLuci7.1'] = {
  Talents = "?,?,?,?,?,?,?",
  Help = "Talents:2133132",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy  [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast !Consecration",
        "/cast !Hammer of Justice",
        "/cast Avenger's Shield",
        "/cast !Blessed Hammer",
        "/castsequence  reset=6  Judgment",
        "/castsequence  reset=90  Blinding Light",
        "/castsequence  reset=7  Consecration, Consecration",
        "/cast !Blessed Hammer",
        "/cast !Light of the Protector",
        "/cast !Consecration",
        "/cast Shield of the Righteous",
        "/cast Ardent Defender",
        "/cast Seraphim",
        "/cast Avenging Wrath",
        "/cast Eye of Tyr(Artifact)",

try this macro, and add your other stuff to it then import it

The combat aspect is rather important; do you know why it would cause it to not work but the other combat functions in the same macro fire fine?

gsse 1.5.2 is dead and gse 2.0 works differant

i tryed to import your macro and it wont work

if u using old GSE macro. when u go to the import box. if you look to the top of the code box. it says GSE2 And GS/GS1 Macro… click the GS/GS1 Macro then import. and /reload your ui and then look for it. i sugges if u dont look to use sams macro’s delete it so your only left with your own library of macros u import… hope it helps. gl

SAM Macros if you delete in game wont reappear unless you go to Options - Plugins and hit the sample button. Feel free to delete - these wont reappear unless you choose to re add them.

With the original macro swap PreMacro and KeyPress and then swap PostMacro and KeyRelease. PostMacro wont fire unless there is a Looplimit set.

EG PreMacro
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
loopLimit 2

Will execute (one line per keypress)
KeyPress + Line 1 + Key Release
KeyPress + Line 2 + Key Release
KeyPress + Line 3 + Key Release
KeyPress + Line 2 + Key Release
KeyPress + Line 3 + Key Release
KeyPress + Line 4 + Key Release
then repeat to PreMacro.

Without a looplimit it will execute as:
KeyPress + Line 1 + Key Release
KeyPress + Line 2 + Key Release
KeyPress + Line 3 + Key Release
the return to line 2 until combat finishes.

Works perfectly, thank you TimothyLuke!