My MM Macro with Barrage and murder of crows. 6.0.3

Played around with a couple of these on here and don’t like glaive personally. Anyway sustain about 7K on the 90 dummy with 530 gear. Was only getting around 6K with the macros on here. Just want some feed back from you guys. Thanks. I left out pet attack cuz mine is on assist and attacks anyway. Still trying to figure out if kill shot works. I think it is but if your in a cast it will wait. So a stop cast macro may be better? . Also steady shot will clip Barrage I hope this will be fixed but who knows. So if your spamming your macro let barrage channel. Fires everything on cooldown.

I use Steady focus, MoC and barrage. Talents are Would love to know what geared players might get with this…

/castsequence reset=5 !Chimaera Shot,Steady Shot,steady shot,steady shot,Aimed Shot,chimaera shot,steady shot,steady shot,barrage,steady shot,steady shot
/use [combat]Rapid Fire
/castsequence reset=60 A Murder Of Crows
/cast [harm]kill shot

576.8 ilvl geared hunter using above macro gave 26.4K burst and 11.2k sustained DPS over 1 minute on test dummy using Skada

Garrosh Heroic Raid gave 12.7 DPS with cat pet on attack and 575 bow.

Added a couple of extra lines of code at top see following:

#showtooltip Chimaera Shot
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=5 !Chimaera Shot,Steady Shot,steady shot,steady shot,Aimed Shot,chimaera shot,steady shot,steady shot,barrage,steady shot,steady shot
/use [combat]Rapid Fire
/castsequence reset=60 A Murder Of Crows
/cast [harm]kill shot

Don’t think kill shot fires, hard to tell in raid fight?

try this all fires off

/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/castsequence reset=9 !Chimaera Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot,Aimed Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot
/castsequence reset=1 Glaive Toss
/castsequence reset=60 A Murder of Crows
/use [combat]Rapid Fire
/castrandom [combat] !kill shot
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1