My Tweak of "Dash Deschain" Macro

So ill start off by saying All Credit to Dash Deschain for original Macro, with that said here it is

Sequences['ArmsPVEST'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 1332311",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/castsequence [nomod, combat] Colossus Smash",
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Mortal Strike, Focused Rage, Focused Rage, Focused Rage, Mortal Strike",
"/castsequence [nomod, combat] Execute",
"/castsequence [nomod, combat] Slam",
"/castsequence [nomod, combat] Colossus Smash",

I personally have Execute on a separate button incase i feel it is not hitting fast enough.
I change my Talents ALOT so this is just for managing Focused Rage, i know its situational. but i am having ALOT of fun with this macro.
Current Talents - 1233312
If you use Overpower trying replacing it with the last Colossus Smash or add it under.

Hope you all Enjoy and Happy New year!

Thank you for the macro! what speed would u suggest for the naga? thank you and keep it up!!!

[quote quote=38662]Thank you for the macro! what speed would u suggest for the naga? thank you and keep it up!!!
I personally manually click. but i do have one set at 0.050 but that is prob too quick usually just use it for a temp use for GF agro.

So how is this performing mate?

[quote quote=38677]So how is this performing mate?
[/quote]Works well with my play style, not looking to top charts but do end up doing it. I was looking to manage Focused Rage without becoming completely rage starved. Now i just got the legendary Ring so i get ALOT more Execute procs but i use this in PVP (BGs, Arenas, and BGs) so in those situations i get no procs from it. But im open to any feedback so please let me know!

Have you use this for raiding? what Ilvl and and sort of dps are you getting from it?

[quote quote=39878]Have you use this for raiding? what Ilvl and and sort of dps are you getting from it?
[/quote] Don’t really use this anymore since the changes. trying to build a better rotation now that i downloaded 2.0 but seems that you have to “Create” the button everytime i log over to a toon. i shall post when i have made one i am happy with may take a bit. but to answer the question, i dont raid i just pvp and wpvp. but im sure it would be around 200k at 855ish ilvl in a heroic.

im jsut getting into warrior. can’t wait for your updated macro:D