Nickfury's Assassination Macro

Hey folks i just wanted to upload this macro and get some feedback i made this macro and have been using it for lvling but would like to hear how its working out at 110 so give me the feedback please thanks

Sequences['Slice_Assassin'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.01.
  Talents = "1231111",
  Help = [[level 60, 75, and 90 talents can be your choice ]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Stealth",
        "/cast [combat] Vendetta",
        "/castsequence  reset=combat  Garrote, Mutilate, Rupture, null",
        "/castsequence Mutilate, Mutilate, Rupture, Mutilate, Mutilate, Envenom, Mutilate, Mutilate, Envenom",
        "/cast Kingsbane",
        "/castsequence  reset=15  Garrote",

Is there any geared rogues that can test and give me some feedback on this macro?

Hey Nick, Nice Macro…I like it so far… 895 ilevel here…Tested it only on dummies atm but for 6 min span I was consistent at around 580k-600k according to skada…will do some more testing with talents and some bosses etc

Thank you for the input, keep me posted on how it works for you

I like it… its very good… but i prefer Nightstalker over Subterfuge, my rogue is only 858 ilvl … no 3rd relic slot yet… Bursts to 660/700k … and settles to 350/400 … so im very happy with it. I am tinkering and will post my results if i make any improvements

for some reason it wont let me input this into a new macro… can someone tell me what im doing wrong?

EDIT: i figured out the problem.

This macro seems to do well. I added this to the sequence. Just make sure you set the tank as your focus and not the healer >.>
“/cast [@focus] Tricks of the Trade”,

I wouldnt say im a “geared” Sin (886) but I just pulled a stable 500k with burst to about 800 on the “dungeoneer’s dummy” I did note one thing; the Rupture and Envenom weren’t firing on their own; but was no biggie least to me

EDIT: Retested against a Raider dummy only lost rupture once on the Target did like 530 over 4 mins with again opening burst at about 800

So, how is this performing in 7.3? :slight_smile:

I have been testing this one recently in 7.3 and it works very good. the only issue I found is that as there is no Toxic Blade macro within the code, and it is listed here (and elsewhere) as the go to talent I was using it sepparately and sometimes it can cause the macro button to get stuck. However, as soon as you press an attacking ability by hitting it manually, on another key, it would unstuck. So not a big one.
Nick T., where do you think toxic Blade would fit the best in your macro?

Sequences['Slice_Assassin'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.07.
  Talents = "1231111",
  Help = [[level 60, 75, and 90 talents can be your choice ]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Stealth",
        "/cast [combat] Vendetta",
        "/castsequence  reset=combat  Garrote, Mutilate, Rupture, null",
        "/castsequence Mutilate, Mutilate, Rupture, Mutilate, Mutilate, Envenom, Mutilate, Mutilate, Envenom",
        "/cast Kingsbane",
        "/cast Toxic Blade",
        "/castsequence  reset=15  Garrote",

Hope this helps you out :slight_smile:

Seems legit. Tried it out and it is fluent without to much in between waiting time. Thanks Nick. Good job on the macro overall!

ilvl: 915
burst: 1.1 ml
average: 700k

SimC says 813k dps average.

*without the proper legendaries. Only have the ring and cloak.