"Piercing" Shot

Here’s my revision from the Tricky rotation. I’ve been having some very good numbers on sustained fights with this macro. Keep an eye on Volley, I don’t think that’s working quite the way I expect just yet in the macro.

Gear level last fight was 878
I do have the belt (War belt of the sentinel army) and the ring, (Zevrim’s Hunger)
View my fights last evening using Piercing if you want (Ronburgandie)

If you are doing short term fights, this may not be the one for you, (But this does have some great blast potential if all CD’s are available) look at Tricky build. Sustained fights lasting then you might want to try this.

This rotation also utilizes some of Spitz’s ideas.
My keyboard sequence is 1, 2, 3
my hotbars have Marked on 1, Piercing on 2, and the macro on 3.

I’m using a keyboard delay of 200ms

I’ve been playing around with the timing, going up or down, I’ve not realized any benefit yet from changing from 200.

Sequences['Piercing'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.0.14.
  Talents = "1113132",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = [[Sequential]],
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Trueshot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Windburst",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Trueshot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Windburst",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Aimed Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Arcane Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Trueshot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Aimed Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Arcane Shot",

2/25/17 OP updated, removed Volley from macro.

“This rotation also utilizes some of Spitz’s ideas.
My keyboard sequence is 1, 2, 3
my hotbars have Marked on 1, Piercing on 2, and the macro on 3.”

Parrot, would you please provide a similar screenshot of your Logitech G 910 sequence as in your previous comment under a “Tricky” topic.

Thanks for posting this up, Parrot. I also have the warbelt but an 895 ilvl. I’ll have to try this out before raid tomorrow.

Also, I’d recommend just taking volley out of the macro completely and making sure it is on before the fight. These spammy macros always seem to work better whenever you can make them simpler.

regarding taking volley out- isn’t there a modifier something like [noactive] or [notactive] that could be used so it doesnt keep toggling volley on/off?


I think you’re looking for /cast !Volley

Volley shouldn’t be in the macro at all. You toggle it on and off, once it’s on it stays on.

How would i go about removing volley from this would i just delete “/cast [nochanneling] Volley”,

just remove the whole line.

I like how all the replies are about part of the code instead of anyone actually posting results. :slight_smile:

I’m hoping to try this one out this weekend. I ran the talent changes through a sim and didn’t see a big gain over my rock solid two line sidewinders setup.

Parrot, a tactics question for you on this. Do you restart the macro when you switch to adds midfight or do you restart the macro? Seems like interrupting the middle of that big block of casts would be a significant loss.

[quote quote=45534]…Parrot, a tactics question for you on this. Do you restart the macro when you switch to adds midfight or do you restart the macro? Seems like interrupting the middle of that big block of casts would be a significant loss.

I change targets without restarting the macro if it’s the same continuous fight, such as Star Augar and swapping to the add in the final phases. When you have to turn away “witness the nightmare” or whatever it is, I target the boss for those few seconds so the dps doesnt stop.

With the sequence I don’t think it would make a difference, as I’ve put some redundancy into it.

Aw crap… I tried to use del to strike-out some of the text of the original post, it appears I deleted the post?

Here is the updated macro with volley taken out.

Sequences['Piercing'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.0.14.
  Talents = "1113132",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = [[Sequential]],
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Trueshot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Windburst",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Trueshot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Windburst",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Aimed Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Arcane Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Trueshot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Aimed Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [combat] [nochanneling] Arcane Shot",